
15 Free Online Courses with Certificates in Spain| 2023

Are you looking for some free online courses with certificates in Spain? Free online courses with printable certificates have become an amazing alternative for traditional classes in recent times.

One of the most outstanding benefits of free online courses is that you can study your dream course from wherever you are, regardless of whether you are taking them to improve knowledge, learn a new skill, or as a hobby.

In this article, we have put together 15 free online courses with certificates in Spain. These courses are not only great because they are free and come with certificates but also, but they also because you can take them at your own pace.

Continue to read to learn about these free online courses, how and where to find them, and how to take them.

Now that you are here, you can check out 40 Free Online Courses in the UK with Certificates| 2023

Table of contents

List of Free Online Courses with Certificates in Spain

  1. IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Cybersecurity and social implications
  2. Ads Search
  3. Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics Certificate
  4. Fashion and Sustainability: Understanding Luxury Fashion in a Changing World
  5. IBM Data Science
  6. Artificial Intelligence
  7. Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation
  8. Feminism and Social Justice
  9. Science of Exercise, Certificate 
  10. Psychological First Aid
  11. Energy and Environmental Law
  12. Nutrition and Health – Macronutrients and Overnutrition
  13. Sustainable Development in Humanitarian Action
  14. Inbound Marketing
  15. Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics

Why Choose Free Online Courses?

Generally, online courses are an alternative for conventional campus-based institution classes. There are numerous benefits of online courses, however, these benefits were only found out after educationists and the students found the need to need to balance work and education life.

Sometimes, people have academic desires to fulfill, but due to needing to make ends meet, they end up not fulfilling their academic desires.

Fortunately, educationists and students found a way to balance things up; fulfill their academic desires as well as make ends meet.

Also, the outbreak of the Corona Virus pandemic that put the activities of the world on hold was also one of the major facilitators of online classes. 

Had it not been for free online classes, education would have suffered while the world stayed home.

One of the greatest things about online classes today is the great innovation of printable certificates. 

Now, you can study your desired course at your desired institution either for free or sometimes, paid, all from the comfort of your home and earn a recognized printable certificate upon course completion.

How Do Free Online Classes With Certificates in Spain Work?

Basically, online classes use the Learning Management System (LMS) which provides an unrestricted exchange of information between educationists and their students. 

These LMS could include the use of Blackboard, Moodle, and Canvas. Your study materials asses are sent to you via email or another file transfer system during online classes.

Practically every online course involves assignments usually submitted through LMS, either by participating in group discussions or by completing and submitting tasks through applicable links.

Another online class option, the proctoring service, involves monitoring students as they work. This service works to help to ensure that students do not cheat during their exams and would alert the school if a student does.

Also, it works to show that student earnestly earned their degree when they complete their course and receive their certificate or degree of completion.

How Can I Find Schools that Offer Online Courses with Certificates in Spain?

Basically, it’s challenging to find universities offering free online courses with certificates in Spain, primarily because most programs in universities in Spain are geared towards on-campus students.

However, we have some tips to help you secure free online courses with certificates in Spain. They include using social media, such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

Also, you have to utilize Google search as well as check out for free online courses with certificates in Spain or some online learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, FutureLearn, Skillshare, and EDX.

Another tip is to find out from people who ate already taking some free online courses with certificates.

How Do I Apply For Free Online Courses with Certificates in Spain?

Basically, applying for free online courses with certificates in Spain is as easy as applying for on-campus learning. The former is even easier most times. 

All you need to do is choose a school and check if your course of choice is available for free. Then ‌create an account which will include filling in some of your personal details to complete the creation. 

Some of these personal details can include uploading electronic versions of your CV, passport photograph, a personal statement as well as any other relevant details or documents.

After you have completed your registration, if you are considered, you may be invited for an interview on Skype or any other online means.

This is not always the case. Only a few online courses conduct interviews with their applicants before admitting them into their programs.

Once you have completed your registration, you will be granted access to select your degree level and course of study and then you can enroll in the classes.

What Is The Duration For Online Courses?

There is no one-answer-fits-all answer to this question as the duration for free online courses with certificates can vary according to different courses or programs, as well their curriculums.

Basically, a typical online course can last from between four to ten weeks, even more, sometimes. However, some of them run for one year or more. 

Meanwhile, the free online courses with certificates in Spain can last between one week to eight weeks. While you are aware of this, you need to also know that most times, the duration of your free online lass can last will primarily depend on you.

This is because free online courses with certificates are usually self-paced. Also, most course instructors put out the assignments and tasks at the beginning of the course. This means that if your course is scheduled to last for eight weeks, you could complete your classes and tasks in four weeks or more and get done with the course.

How Much Does It Cost To Take Free Online Courses with Certificates in Spain?

This might read a little complicated as it has been said earlier that there are free online courses with certificates. Actually, many courses with certificates are available for free, however, the certificates may be paid features. 

You can access the courses and their materials for free but must pay to obtain the certificates upon completion.

Now, the price of these free online courses in Spain can vary based on the courses, their curriculums, materials, duration, and instructors. You can get to know the price of any course before you enroll, and if the course and knowledge are more important to you, you can give up the certificate.

You may want to check out 9 Free Online Courses with Certificates by Government of India

What are the Free Online Courses with Certificates in Spain?

We have made a list of the 15 best free online courses with certificates in Spain with their detailed information. Our selection focused on the quality of education, accreditation, average student earnings, and some other relevant factors.

1. IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Cybersecurity and Social Implications

This three-week course is one of the best free online courses with printable certificates in Spain. It is offered by the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia in collaboration with EDX, an online learning platform.

This course is primarily designed to allow you to explore the amazing world of Information Technology (IT). 

The course covers‌:

  • The effects of ICT in processes like e-commerce, globalization, business techniques and strategy, competition, and outsourcing.
  • The phenomenon of Web 2.0 and social networks
  • The various professional careers that the world of IT comprises.
  • Concepts of cybersecurity related to intellectual property, privacy, hackers, and threats, and protecting us against them.

Basically, by the end of this course, you would have understood how to interact with specialists in the IT sector effectively.

Apply here

2. Artificial Intelligence

This is also another one of the most sought-after free online courses with printable certificates in Spain. It is a 2-year and 3 months long MSc course offered by the University of Bath. 

This course is specifically designed to provide you the opportunity to specialize in AI as well as to meet the fast rising demands for experts in the challenging but yet exciting, and rapidly growing field of AI.

The course covers‌:

  • Gaining techniques to analyze as well as to propose solutions to AI problems and challenges
  • Applying significant ethical, legal and professional standards governing the AI activities.
  • Effectively working in a team to design as well as develop software-based systems
  • Selecting the most appropriate solution, considering innovative alternatives
  • Presenting rational as well as reasoned arguments using the appropriate conceptual tools.
  • Demonstrating initiative in specification as well as in organization through project work.

Apply here.

This is one of the top free online courses with printable certificates. It is provided by Google on Google Skillshop, a training platform designed to help you master any Google tool. 

Meanwhile, this course is built for people who are already or want to use Google ads as part of their jobs.

By the end of the course, you would have learnt to showcase your ability to a digital marketing and Google search strategy. 

Apply here.

4. Feminism and Social Justice

This is a one-month free online course offered by the University of California in collaboration with the recognized online learning platform Coursera.

It primarily focuses on exploring the core and broad meaning of feminism that frames the three relevant events in the history of feminism and social justice:

  • Empire Zinc strike of 1951
  • 1971-1972 trial of Angela Davis
  • #metoo movement.

Here are the syllables in the feminism and social justice course:

  • What is feminism?
  • Salt of the earth
  • Free Angela
  • #metoo movement

Apply here.

5. IBM Data Science

This is another one of the most sought-after free online courses with certificates in Spain. It offered by the IBMM through an online learning platform, Coursera.

This curse explores ways to create as well as an access a database instance on cloud and write basic SQL statements. Also, this course will help you pick up additional data science, Python programming, machine learning as well as data visualization skills.

Apply here.

6. Science of Exercise, Certificate 

This is a three-month free online course with printable certificates in Spain offered by the University of Colorado Boulder in collaboration with the Coursera online learning platform.

It explores the significant changes your body is required to adequately respond to the physical stress of exercise. This also includes adjustments in proteins, carbohydrates, and fat metabolism. Also, changes in nutritional considerations, causes of muscle soreness and fatigue as well as the effects of performance-enhancing drugs.

The course covers the following:

  • The energetics of exercise
  • Exercise for fitness and performance
  • Physiological systems during exercise
  • Exercise in health, wellness, and disease

Basically, by the end of the course, you would have had a complete physiological understanding of how the human body reacts to exercises, how it identifies behavior, choices as well as environments that affect your training and health.

Apply here.

7. Psychological First Aid

This course is provided by Johns Hopkins University in collaboration with Coursera. The course explores everything about providing first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model.

Here, RAPID stands for:

  • Reflective listening
  • Assessment of needs
  • Prioritization
  • Intervention
  • Disposition

The course covers‌:

  • Effective listening
  • Differentiating benign, non-incapacitating psychological/behavioral crisis reactions from more severe, probable incapacitating, crisis reactions.
  • Prioritizing (triage) psychological/behavioral crisis reactions
  • Mitigating acute distress and dysfunction as appropriate
  • Recognizing when to facilitate access to additional mental support
  • Practicing self-care

Apply here

8. Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation

This course is provided by the EQUIS-accredited Bath School of Management. It is primarily designed to explore the new fascinating perspectives on traditional business disciplines, preparing a journey of lifelong enterprise.

This course covers‌:

  • Understands the principles of innovation management
  • Navigation the entrepreneurial journey from idea to venture
  • The exploration of unique business models and action your ideas
  • Thinking creatively about contemporary business issues
  • Developing the art of pitching winning propositions
  • Unlocking the power if persuasion to gain support for ideas
  • Using data to improve your business decisions 
  • Evaluating risks as well as adapting to challenging environments and situations.

9. Energy and Environmental Law

This course explores the key principles of energy supply as regards the impact of climate change.

This course covers‌:

  • Delving into the issues around environment protection
  • Exploring the extent to which energy production depends on natural recourses
  • Developing critical thinking, problem-solving, evidential reasoning, drafting and negotiation skills.
  • Examining the legal issues from deploying resources to generate ideas.
  • Investigating the transactions stampeding the production of energy and supply around the world.
  • Having an understanding of the modes of regulation as well as the results of market failure.
  • Determining the patterns of energy production, supply as well as consumption.

Apply here.

10. Nutrition and Health – Macronutrients and Overnutrition

Also one of the best free online courses with printable certificates in Spain, this 9-weeks course is provided by Wageningen University in collaboration with EDX. 

It explores the essentials of nutrition as well as its impacts on human health.

The course covers:

  • Introduction to the field of food and nutrition
  • The essential chemistry of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
  • How macronutrients are absorbed, stored and metabolized and how they may impact health.
  • Composition of foods
  • How to weigh better as well as to interpret the information overload and nutrition and health.

Apply here.

11. Fashion and Sustainability: Understanding Luxury Fashion in a Changing World

This a 6-weeks course is specifically designed for people who are interested or already working in fashion. Also, for people who are interested in sustainability in the fashion industry. This course is provided by an online learning platform, FutureLearn.

It course explores way to learn how to develop creative strategies towards fashion that can contribute to ecological resilience and thriving societies.

This course covers:

  • Why sustainability in fashion?
  • Contextualizing sustainability for a changing world
  • Material dimensions: sourcing for luxury fashion
  • Creative possibilities
  • Informed decision making: tools and strategies
  • Creative realization

Apply here.

12. Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation

This course is designed for people interested or are already into forensic psychology and criminal investigation and would like to improve their knowledge in that field.

It explores the basics of how forensic psychology aids in obtaining evidence from eyewitnesses in police investigations and prevents cases of injustices. 

This course covers:

  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Witness memory
  • In-attentional blindness as well as observation of criminal incidents
  • Facial recognition
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Visual identification

By the end of this course, you would have completely understood the psychology of the human mind as well as what makes people who and how they are.

Apply here.

13. Sustainable Development in Humanitarian Action

This 4 weeks course is designed for people who work in the humanitarian sector, especially in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

This course covers:

What is sustainable development in a humanitarian context?

Sustainability in the supply chain: a life-cycle perspective as well as in field operations

Setting up a sustainability program.

Apply here.

14. Inbound Marketing

This course is provided and offered by HubSpot. The course aims to teach you or help you enhance your inbound marketing skills as well as gaining additional knowledge around social media promotion, content strategy as well as conversion optimization strategy.

This course includes 11 lessons and by the end of the course, you would have solidified your  skills as an inbound marketer, content strategist, social media promoter, as well as a conversion optimization strategist.

Apply here.

15. Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics Certificate

This is another one of the most sought-after fress online courses with printable certificates in Spain. It is offered by the University System of Maryland – USMx in collaboration with EDX.

This course explores the R language and environment as well as how it can be used to perform statistical analyses on biological big datasets.

The course covers:

  • Basic R programming
  • Application of packages in the R environment to determine changes in gene expression as well as in locating genes in a full genomic sequence.

Apply here.

Which Universities offer free Online Courses with Certificates?

The following universities offer free online degree also known as Distant learning. They provide their students with lectures, assignments and tasks via LMS method. If you are searching for universities that offer free online courses with certificates, you can check out either of these schools.

List of universities that offer free online courses with certificates:

  1. University of Colorado
  2. University of Bath
  3. Johns Hopkins University
  4. University of Illinois
  5. University of Hull
  6. Oxford Brookes University
  7. University of Leeds
  8. The University of California
  9. University System of Maryland -USMx
Can I get a job with online certification?

Wondering if you can get a job with free online courses with certificates?

Yes, you can, as most online courses are recognized and accredited and are thus recognized and valued by employers.

Can anyone enrol in the free online courses?

Free online courses or programs are available and accessible regardless of age, color or status.

However, all you will need are the tools to begin such as smartphone, laptop, stationeries as well as every other tool needed for an online course.

What are the free online courses with certificates in Spain?

1. IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Cybersecurity and social implications
2. Ads Search
3. Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics Certificate
4. Fashion and Sustainability: Understanding Luxury Fashion in a Changing World
5. IBM Data Science
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation
8. Feminism and Social Justice
9. Science of Exercise, Certificate 
10. Psychological First Aid
11. Energy and Environmental Law
12. Nutrition and Health – Macronutrients and Overnutrition
13. Sustainable Development in Humanitarian Action
14. Inbound Marketing
15. Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics


Now you know you can take free online courses with certificates in Spain. We recommend you take one or more free online with courses with printable certificates to either improve your skills as well as launch into a new career.


Articles: 144

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