
19 New Zealand jobs for American Citizens in 2023

Working in New Zealand might be an incredible stepping stone for your profession. The country’s typical small business culture allows many to catch on quickly and take on additional duties and also, to accept positions of authority sooner than expected.

Need to move to New Zealand? Arranging a global migration isn’t something you ought to do all alone. As experts, we understand what you need, and offer the fundamental tips to help you move and live abroad with almost no challenges.

Understanding what New Zealand’s employment market resembles is the initial step to an effective relocation. This is critical, as you will probably require a job to gain a visa. You will discover the advantages of being an occupant in New Zealand regarding government help.

In addition, you will also gain proficiency with the required knowledge. This knowledge will be the best way to land New Zealand jobs as an American. First and foremost, they will mostly be jobs with an average salary and social security. They will be jobs that will allow working as self-employed. Find more about landing jobs in New Zealand by following this guide. 

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Is Getting a Job in NZ Easy?

Finding job might be tough because New Zealand is such a desirable travel destination. There are many types of work visas, and not every candidate or occupation is eligible for every one of them. Learn how to obtain employment in New Zealand by reading on.

Can An American Get a Job in New Zealand?

There are prerequisites you should meet to New Zealand jobs for an American. First, you either should be a resident of New Zealand or Australia – including citizens of Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau.

Or you hold a work visa that permits you to work in the country and regard the conditions that apply to that visa type. You must have met the necessities to work in the country to get such a visa.

It must be the obligation of the business to confirm whether a worker can lawfully work for them.

Business Culture 

New Zealand’s business culture is very welcoming. If you have a positive can-do mentality, you can hope to do well in the working environment. 

SeeK New Zealand Jobs for Foreigners

New Zealand’s Work Culture 

Work-life balance is significant and ordinarily regarded in New Zealand, and the country is regularly referred to for having a fortunate work-life balance.

Most companies usually have less than 14 workers. As a correlation, that is more of the normal size of organizations in the US.

The Average Salary for New Zealand jobs for Americans

The normal salary in New Zealand might be between 50,000 and 400,000 NZD (33,000–264,000 USD). This salary goes for a year for profoundly gifted experts. 

What is the Average Annual Salary in New Zealand? 

The normal yearly salary will depend on your expertise and qualifications. A decent compensation in New Zealand would be around 8,600 NZD (5,670 USD) a month. That would add up to 106,000 NZD (69,910 USD) every year. 

What is the Minimum Wage in New Zealand? 

The minimum wage in New Zealand at the hour of composing is 70 NZD (12 USD) every hour, 60 NZD (94 USD) every day, 708 NZD for a (467 USD) 40-hour week, and 1,416 NZD (934 USD) for an 80-hour fortnight.

If you are beginning your vocation or are as yet preparing, the pay permitted by law rates is lower. 

The Most In-Demand New Zealand jobs for American and How Much They Pay 

Below is a list of the yearly compensation for famous positions in New Zealand. 

           Occupation                        NZD                USD 

  1. Teacher                              99,000           65,300 
  2. Accountant                         73,000          48,150
  3. Nurse                                  83,000          54,750
  4. Software Engineer            103,000        67,340
  5. Architect                             90,000           59,360
  6. Marketing Manager          177,000         116,740
  7. Product Manager               140,000          92,340
  8. Web Developer                    91,000          60,000 
  9. UX Designer                         85,000           56,000 

Other popular positions in New Zealand include; Bookkeeper, Sedative Technician, Arborist, Cook, Beekeeper, Building Contractor or Manager, Business Analyst, Cook, Data Analyst, Electrician, Engineer (Automotive, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, etc.), Game Developer, Gynaecologist or Obstetrician, Information Technology Manager, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Maternity specialist, Doctor, Project Manager, Therapist, Purchasing/Supply Officer, Registered Nurse, Security Analyst, Web Developer, Systems Administrator, Tertiary Lecturers, and Veterinarian. For an all-encompassing rundown of popular job positions, visit the Immigration New Zealand site

How to Get New Zealand jobs for Americans 

Importantly, you need to understand that the visa you need to get is significant. And this goes while you think of landing a new line of New Zealand jobs as a foreigner. This will determine the type of opportunities you are qualified for and how you should approach the job market, and also, it is important to remember that the initial phase in your moving cycle is landing a job.

As a result, you will require a proposition for employment to apply for a visa. There are open positions for foreigners in New Zealand if you know where to look. First, there are explicit sites that connect foreign workers to New Zealand employers.

This is a good place to start if you are just starting your research, as these employers are typically experienced and open to hiring foreign workers. You can begin by visiting sites like work here or Working In or enroll your CV with the New Kiwis site. Which is an online migrant recruitment program that connects skilled migrants with New Zealand employers. 

There are different choices for people that wish to apply for New Zealand jobs for American, even though not all businesses might be available to employ workers from abroad. Probably the most ideal approach to find a new line of New Zealand jobs for American as a foreigner is to begin by searching for opportunities on employment sites like TradeMe or Seek.

There are many industries-specific sites for New Zealand, anything from health, business, law, designing, the travel industry, and IT. You can locate a total rundown of sites for job listings (by industry) on the authorized government site

How to Apply for New Zealand jobs for American 

Finally, when you have realized where to begin your pursuit, you can further start to apply for a position. At the same time, you must have read about the country’s CV format, their introductory letter tips and other necessities.

Also, it is important to note the qualifications for New Zealand positions. There are two primary kinds of CV you may effectively use in New Zealand: a skill centred CV, and a work-centred CV.

The first is appropriate for first-time job seekers or workers changing their vocation. Meanwhile, the second is for when you have a solid work insight to show for or, step forward in your profession. 

For whichever one you decide to pick, ensure your CV incorporates: name and contact details, technical and personal skills. Also, your work, community, volunteer experiences. And your qualifications and education references.

Certainly, the following are optional, they can also be incorporated in your CV, an objective personal statement, achievements and interests.

Here is what you should not include; pictures or images and date of birth or age. Also, your marital status, religion, your bank account details as well as other irrelevant experience.

Also, see: 11 Summer Jobs Abroad

Cover Letter: Is It Necessary, and Which Format to Use? 

It is encouraged to send an introductory letter alongside your CV, as a pitch to why you ought to get the position.

The letter should begin with your presentation, trailed by clarifying your abilities, experience, and appropriateness to the position.

Make it a one-page document and keep your composing style formal and convincing, without sounding excessively proud.

Remember to carry your qualifications with you to New Zealand. You can get confirmed duplicates of these with a Justice of the Peace (JP) if needed. 

Interviews Tips for New Zealand jobs for Americans 

New Zealanders are quite informal. Generally, this makes it normal to expect prospective job interviews. The number of individuals who interview you may differ from one selection representative to three and four individuals.

You will regularly get information about specific events from your professional experience. This would show how you would deal with real challenges.

As a rule, you should avoid coming off as proud while you show your skills and experiences. Keep your words and stance benevolent. 

Networking Tips for New Zealand jobs for American

Networking is significant in New Zealand, as some 70% or 80% of occupation positions may not get to the public. It is important to present yourself in situations where you can meet different experts in your industry.

You won’t experience issues discovering network openings in urban areas. You can as well try service clubs that organise special events to meet with different experts in your locale. 

Get to know the locals with New Zealand Internships

New Zealand Internships offer paid experiences in a few sectors. However, their hospitality program sounds like the best for ex-pats.

They will undoubtedly help you find job openings around your locale. The jobs will be both in the North and South Islands as bartenders, baristas, waitresses, and more.

The cherry on top is that the roles are primarily nine months to a year in length and as a result, you will be able to save some money with less worry over job hunts when the season ends.

  • Type of work: Hospitality, Bartending
  • Where: North or South Island

Independent work/Self-employed 

Independent New Zealand jobs for American is moderately border-free. Try not to expect a great deal of administration if you are beginning a business as a sole trader.

Some sole traders might be IT specialists, electricians, stylists, and entrepreneurs.

They are qualified for a portion of similar advantages as representatives. For instance, maternity leave. However, this will pass up the others like a paid debilitated leave.

You can read more about turning into a sole worker in New Zealand Business. As a foreigner, the conditions under which you can be self-employed in New Zealand will depend on your specific visa conditions

Freelancer or Business Owner? 

If you hold a work visa that permits you to be self-employed in the country, it entitles you to run a business or work as a freelancer.

You may wish to begin an organization. Alternatively, you may wish to start a limited liability company or Ltd; co-operative company, commonly known as co-ops, or the rarer unlimited companies.

You can check other business structures for your business in New Zealand, for additional details on trusts, incorporated societies, credit unions, and many others. 

How to Be Self-Employed in New Zealand 

To apply you need: 

  1. A personal IRD number, which you will use to pay tax and Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  2. Government licenses and permits your type of business may require.
  3. Qualifications or registrations for your profession

As for any process, you need to inform the Inland Revenue that you have begun a business as a sole dealer. You may need to enlist for GST if you make over 60,000 NZD (39,570 USD) annually. 

The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) 

If you need to speed up your collaborations with the public authority, clients, or suppliers, it encourages you to get a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN).

This comprises a number that distinguishes your business. It enrols your contact details, from your telephone number to your dress and email, and updates each business reach you have if any of these changes.

It ensures every one of your partners is up to date on your correct contact details and speeds up the way toward getting invoices. 

Top Employed New Zealand jobs for American 

Without a doubt, beginning a business in New Zealand is easy. Undoubtedly, many popular positions are very easy to take up as independently employed.

This eventually gives you a decent assurance of a spot in the occupation market. The most well-known independently employed positions that are sought after are physiotherapists, birthing specialists, roofers, repairers, channel layers, manufacturers, bookkeepers, culinary experts, or electricians. 

Independently employed Benefits in New Zealand 

As an independently employed worker, you get a portion of similar advantages as representatives, paid parental leave for instance. On the other hand, you won’t be entitled to others, for example, a paid sick leave.

You are qualified for the Self-employed Start Up Payment, which assists with the underlying expenses of setting up your business in New Zealand.

Even so, you will be qualified for a limit of 10,000 NZD (6,595 USD), in 52 weeks. As you are definitely qualified for getting help with setting up your strategy and get general guidance through the Business Training and Advice Grant. 

See Also: 11 Top Paying Jobs with No Experience and Little Effort

Medical care Coverage for Self-Employed Workers 

Regarding well-being inclusion, you are automatically qualified for the ACC’s CoverPlus. This guarantees an alternative payoff of up to 80%, that is if you can’t work because of a mishap. Alternatively, you get a payoff of up to 80% of your pay.

This implies you are qualified for a week by week remuneration multi-week after the injury. As a result, you will likely be helped with the expenses of medicines and recovery.

For additional advantages you might be qualified for in New Zealand, search for the ones that may concern you on the total rundown of the public authority benefits. 


Is it hard for a US citizen to move to New Zealand?

Moving to New Zealand is more complicated than it initially appears. Moving to this island nation involves months of planning and navigating complex rules and procedures, especially if you plan to bring your pets and home items with you.

Is it worth moving to New Zealand from USA?

New Zealand is renowned for its excellent weather, breathtaking scenery, and high standard of living. Not to mention the well-known work-life balance, which makes it quite alluring for Americans who want to move there. You’re at the perfect place if you’re considering moving to New Zealand!

Is it easy for US citizens to move to New Zealand?

You can, indeed. Most frequently for temporary, part-time, and full-time work, you may apply for various visa choices. You can also apply for a resident visa if you want to move permanently to the nation to be with family you already have or have been working there for some time.


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