
17 Best Universities in Switzerland to Study Abroad in 2023

Studying in Switzerland is a brief glimpse of heaven for most global undergraduates. Notwithstanding, it is one of the top research institutions abroad; you get first-rate schooling quality at a moderate cost.

So to help you choose among the various Swiss colleges, Abroadgurus have aggregated an elite of the 17 best universities in Switzerland. You will become acquainted with different reasons why you should study in Switzerland.

Switzerland is a nation known for its esteem training so much. It has the best, well-known and most seasoned colleges ever. Various big names from different nations had their tutoring here and are presently having agreeable existences.

Why Should I Study In Switzerland?

The Swiss higher education system gives students the chance to advance their education and future jobs with a number of top-ranked colleges! In addition, Switzerland is a great option for international students looking to study abroad because it encourages global participation.

Here are a few reasons why you should study in Switzerland:

1. Nature

In the center of Europe is the country of Switzerland. Although it may appear to be a little nation, its stunning scenery and unmatched beauty give the impression that it is enormous. You might go swimming in the pristine lakes, ride or ski in the Swiss Alps, and travel to the peaceful countryside.

2. Safety

You’ll frequently hear from friends that they have to contact insurance providers or disable their credit cards after being mugged abroad. In Switzerland, none of that exists. One of the safest places on earth is the nation. Not only is it a peaceful democracy, but it also has a low crime rate.

3. They enjoy sports

You’re in luck if you enjoy sports, and if not, you might come to enjoy them. Many international students say that taking part in one of the many adventure sports has become one of their favorite pastimes while living and studying abroad in Switzerland. Even if you are in a large metropolis, there is always the option to go riding, skiing, or hiking. But if you want to step it up a notch, try your hand at canyoning, glacier trekking, or rock climbing!

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4. Access to an international network

International students make up around 25% of the student population in Switzerland, according to Studying in Switzerland. That’s fantastic news for a student who has just arrived in Switzerland because it will make it easier for you to meet people and expand your social and professional networks. Additionally, it’s the ideal method to broaden your horizons and even learn a new language!

4. Learn a new language

Switzerland is a fantastic destination to study a new language because it is a bilingual nation, greatly expanding your post-graduation work prospects. With one of the strongest economies in Europe and a plethora of industry-leading manufacturing, banking, and technology firms that provide top-notch graduate training programs.

Knowing French is another essential language for individuals who desire to work internationally. It is recognized as the official language of 29 nations and is the second most frequently spoken language in the EU. Canada, Belgium, and several rapidly developing economic powerhouses in Africa, like Tanzania, Rwanda, and Mozambique, are all included in the French-speaking globe.

5. Tourism and hospitality

It is not surprising that the country is a leader in tourism and hospitality — as well as research in this field — given the breathtaking scenery and traveler-friendly attractions.

The long and rich tradition of hospitality in Switzerland dates back to roughly 150 years when opulent hotels were constructed all along the Montreux Riviera, kicking off the nation’s era of luxury travel. Switzerland is often considered the birthplace of hospitality. Traveling royalty attracted the nation by the healthy climate and the allure of adventure, and the hospitality sector catered to their exacting needs, creating the foundation for what is now Switzerland’s $17 billion hotel business!

17 Best Universities In Switzerland In 2023

On the off chance that you go through 3 years doing a college degree in Switzerland, you can rapidly drench yourself in another dialect Now, we should become acquainted with the top Swiss colleges. The best colleges in Switzerland are: 

17. Global University of Geneva 

Positioned as one of the ten leading business universities in the nation, the International University in Geneva is probably the best in Switzerland for worldwide undergraduates. The school’s accentuation of hypothetical and practical investigation implies you will be more than prepared for a vacation in worldwide business.

Perceived as a worldwide community for legislative issues, business, and culture, Geneva is the ideal background for your investigations. It gives incredible occasions to apply what you’ve realized in the classroom in reality. 

Geneva is perhaps the best spot to be for worldwide business undergraduates. It’s halfway through Europe (making travel to different urban areas simpler) and a center point for business and legislative issues.

IUG has created many connections in Switzerland and abroad that serve their undergraduates during and after their academic encounters. Unlike different schools in Switzerland, IUG courses are instructed in English! 


16. Business and Hotel Management School of Switzerland 

This business school in Lucerne offers programs in culinary expression, cordiality to the board, and worldwide business to the executives. With undergraduates from 65 nations and accentuation of genuine work insight, BHMS puts a lot of significance on the accomplishment of their undergraduates in the global friendliness industry.

B.H.M.S. has its own placement organization “Masterwork” which successfully assists all graduates to gain international career positions and achieve their individual career goals. 

Every year, undergraduates are put in a preparation position in the business with one of BHMS’s accomplices around the globe. Undergraduates won’t invest all their energy in the classroom here, they will put their learning under a magnifying glass and gain significant experience, so they will be prepared for the employment market when they graduate. Courses are taught in English! 

Students with long-term BA’s in Hotel and Hospitality Management and the MS in International Hospitality Business Management programs leave school with scholarly and expert accreditation to be amazingly serious in the global occupation market. 


15. University of Geneva 

Set up in 1559, the University of Geneva is the second-biggest university in Switzerland. The college is universally perceived by the two as its research and training, and its undergraduates advantage enormously from the abundance of global associations that call Geneva home. The city’s worldwide significance and multiculturalism are felt nearby as well. Around 33% of undergraduates at the University of Geneva are outsiders. 

Geneva is the focal point of francophone Switzerland, and in this manner, by far most of the classes are instructed in French. The college offers French help courses during your time there. The college’s global undergraduate site additionally has a rundown of standard and transient courses that are offered in English. At the University of Geneva, you can learn at a top-notch establishment and improve your French simultaneously! 

Students coming to Geneva are presumably contemplating political theory and tact. The School of Social Sciences offers a single major program, English and French expert’s projects, and a doctoral program. Considering global relations in a city that is additionally home to the United Nations, and many NGOs seems like an ideal setting! 

Geneva Summer School offers undergraduates and researchers from around the globe the occasion to meet up to talk about and gain from each other about subjects of worldwide hugeness. 


14. University of Bern 

In the capital of Switzerland, the University of Bern profits by being in a significant social and political focus. The college puts a ton of significance on the issues of sexual orientation fairness and manageability and is continually hoping to improve and enhance. 

Bern enjoys a well-deserved international reputation for academic brilliance. Bern is a desirable location for undergraduate, research, and doctorate students due to the wide variety of educational, sporting, and cultural possibilities available there as well as the high living and environmental standards.

The University of Bern offers single-guy, ace, and doctoral certification programs in a wide assortment of subjects, just like projects in medication, dentistry, and veterinary medication. 

Like many colleges in Switzerland for global undergraduates, the University of Bern partakes in return concurrences with a few different colleges. They additionally partake in the ISEP-International Student Exchange Program, just as a meeting undergraduate program. 


13. University of Basel 

Basel is situated north of Switzerland by French and German boundaries, making it an incredible spot in case you are tingling to investigate a greater amount of Europe during your time in Switzerland as a worldwide undergraduate. The University of Basel is Switzerland’s oldest university, established in 1460. With undergraduates coming from over 100 nations, the college has a global presence and quality multiculturalism. 

The University of Basel is consistently positioned as one of the top 100 universities on the planet. While its program contributions are different, the school puts an elevated level of significance on its associations with provincial and global accomplices as it develops and adds to some significant recent concerns. 

While courses are taught in German and English here, the essential language of guidance is German. Along these lines, you should be able to show a specific capability for affirmation. The college has a language place devoted to assisting undergraduates with persistently improving their German abilities. 

The University of Basel offers lone wolf and graduate degree programs in a wide assortment of subjects, from arithmetic to history. There are 18 graduate degree programs in English in both hard sciences and the humanities. 

The MAUI-Utrecht Network Exchange Program permits undergraduates from partaking colleges from the Utrecht Network and the Mid-American Universities International gathering (MAUI) to spend a semester or two at another school inside the organization. 


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12. University of Lausanne 

One-fifth of the University of Lausanne’s undergraduate body is undergraduates worldwide, which means you will follow some admirable people and presumably end your time in Switzerland with companions from around the globe. Situated on Lake Geneva, Lausanne is known for its middle-aged place, expression scene, and as the home of the International Olympic Committee. 

While most courses are taught in French, a few doctoral courses are instructed in English. The University of Lausanne likewise offers a few different ways to improve your French while there. The School of French as a Foreign Language has courses for groundbreaking French speakers, pointed toward improving French language, writing, and social information.

Excursion courses (or Course de Vacances) are held during summer and winter getaways for undergraduates at any level whose first language isn’t French. Finally, the Program Tandem assists undergraduates with getting the discussion accomplices sorted out to rehearse French, just as different dialects do. 


11. University of Zurich 

Switzerland’s biggest city is home to its most prominent university. The University of Zurich is one of the world’s major monetary focuses. Perceived as perhaps the best college in Switzerland, the German-talking world, and in Europe, the University of Zurich offers a vast number of various scholarly projects for a lone ranger, ace, and doctoral certificate looking for undergraduates. 

University of Zurich is an ideal place for business and account majors and may give a fantastic wellspring of temporary position openings. The University of Zurich offers entire projects in a few fields to assist those still going back and forth with bettering comprehending the field that intrigues them before submitting completely to that program. 

Zurich is ideal for a Bachelor of Arts in Business and Economics. Instructed in German and English, this program offers undergraduates a selection of majors including Banking and Finance, Business Administration, and Economics. 


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10. University of Neuchatel 

The 10th school on our list of best universities in Switzerland is the University of Neuchatel. Frederick William III of Prussia founded a French-talking college in 1818. Neuchatel is situated in a mainstream city of a similar name. The college set a record of enlisting over 4,000 undergraduates in 2012. 

You can’t miss this name in top rivalries and articles like this one. An all outnumber of an undergraduate is 4000 that are situated in four unique resources. It has been recorded among the main 500 best organizations around the world. 


9. University of Fribourg 

It is arranged in a city of a similar name, Fribourg. The organization is among the most seasoned colleges in the world. The history of Fribourg can be from 1580 records when it was set up. In 2010, over 9,000 undergraduates were enlisted to seek after various professions for four to six years.

Jesuit Peter Canisius was the organizer of Fribourg University in 1889. It offers various courses remembering Curricula for Swiss dialects. Five authority Faculties are obliging over 10,000 undergraduates. The climate of this spot is reasonable for learning and performing proactive tasks. 

Learning, research, employment, and activities all take place simultaneously at the University of Fribourg.


8. University of St Gallen 

This is a research university that is situated in a spot called St. Gallen, Switzerland. It was set up in 1898. Much of the courses offered here are identified with financial aspects, business organization, foreign relations, and law. The number of inhabitants in this school is roughly 8000 undergraduates.

In Europe, St. Gallen University is positioned among the main 5 best institutions to take a lifelong course in your decision. In light of the German language, St. Gallen is normal to numerous individuals as a result of making great assortments of present-day expressions. These sorts of hardware are offered to empower this school to meet its financial plan.


7. University of Bern 

This school was discovered in 1834 and is supposed to be complete in educating. The University of Bern is famous and numerous individuals in Switzerland love it for having the option to deal with a seriously huge number of undergraduates. The number of inhabitants in this school is so high.

Over 17,000 undergraduates graduate yearly while others enlist to seek after various courses of their decision. Undergraduates that have taken a crack at this organization should meet their prerequisites of having high evaluations from O’ levels. Therefore, there is a significant level of order experienced in a whole school. Not many instances of strikes have been accounted for up until now. 

The University seeks to be the most important regional institution which generates independent knowledge and which promotes sustained value creation for the economy of the Canton of Bern. 


6. University of Basel 

The University of Basel takes the title of the most established college in the whole of Switzerland. It was founded in 1460 and as yet holds a decent situation in execution. Extraordinary educators and public pioneers from various pieces of this world experienced this stunning school. 

There are seven resources including interdisciplinary institutions and direction and advising. Other than instruction, undergraduates are exceptional with good and social exercises to help them live admirably.

A portion of the mainstream and took in individuals from this college incorporate Paul Hermann Muller, who graduated in 1965, and Paul Erdman, who left in 2007. Presently, America is glad for him for being a dependable monetary essayist. 


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5. University of Lausanne 

Lausanne is a religious philosophy school in Switzerland that was founded in 1537. The execution of these establishments added to the triumphant honour it received in 1890. The number of inhabitants in Lausanne University is around 13,500.

The University of Lausanne is a higher education research and teaching institution made up of seven faculties, 4,400 research, teaching, and technical employees, and about 17,100 students.

Most of their undergraduate students are from various nations who come to look for quality schooling. Among other grounds that are arranged around the shores of Lake Geneva, the University of Lausanne is ideal and has a superior climate for all learning measures. All you require is to accomplish passing marks.


4. University of Geneva 

John Calvin discovered it in 1559. John zeroed in generally on religious philosophy before making the University of Geneva official in 1560. There are nine huge resources and thus positioned among the best and most enormous organizations in Switzerland. Because of its superiority, a large portion of the graduated class from this school get fruitful in their lives and are famous.

There is a guarantee of getting a grant after performing admirably in tests. Decided undergraduates, in this manner, work their absolute best to achieve passing marks in all tests. Showing up in this rundown is another accomplishment. This is a method of publicizing. 


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3. University of Zurich 

The University of Zurich is famous among numerous individuals for having a high populace. Over 15 thousand undergraduates are selected every year. Along with those that are as of now in school, this school has 26,000 undergraduates. I can’t help thinking about how this school attempts to achieve passing marks particularly in courses with numerous undergraduates.

Braches of Zurich are dispersed in Switzerland to help individuals that are just inspired by low maintenance classes. Degree courses are ordinarily instructed in German, nonetheless, English has been presented and is ruling at a high rate. Right now, ace profession courses are dealt with in English. 


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2. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 

Prevalently known as EPFL, it is a university founded in Lausanne that practices generally in physical and design professional courses. As per QS world rankings, Ecole is in the fourteenth position and runs an atomic reactor that is associated with its examination. Overall, EPFL is a French-speaking college and the second-best in Switzerland. 


1. ETH Zurich 

ETH Zurich offers Engineering, Science, Mathematics, and Technology courses. It was founded in 1854 and has been well-performing, subsequently being positioned as the best in the whole of Switzerland.

According to the admission report for 2021 at ETH Zurich, 37% of foreign students hailed from more than 120 countries. In 2021, the Engineering Sciences course at ETH Zurich had the highest enrollment, while Management & Social Sciences courses had the lowest.

There are in every case firm rivalries from different universities however Zurich remained the best. The average ETH Zurich Tuition fee for international students is around 1460 EUR (1,10,000 INR) per year.


How Much Does It Cost To Study In Switzerland?

Depending on the course, a public university’s tuition fees per semester range from CHF 1200 to CHF 2500. Private university tuition, on the other hand, is far more expensive, easily reaching an average of CHF 9500 or more per semester. Scholarships and exchange programs can be heavily evaluated while applying, depending on academic standing and references.

Most applications from international students are for master’s programs or research-based courses. Half of the research students come from outside Switzerland, compared to nearly one-third of those enrolled in post-graduate programs.

Are There Scholarships Available For International Students In Switzerland?

There are scholarships available for international students in Switzerland. Some of the sources for scholarships include Swiss universities, foundations, and government agencies. The Swiss government also offers scholarships through the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) for students from Europe and the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students for students from outside of Europe. Additionally, there are also scholarships offered by private organizations and foundations such as the Fulbright Program and Rotary International.

FAQs On Universities In Switzerland

What are some top universities in Switzerland?

ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are consistently ranked among the top universities in Switzerland and the world.

Is it difficult for international students to get into universities in Switzerland?

Admissions requirements and acceptance rates vary depending on the university and program. In general, competition for places at top universities can be high, but there are also many options for international students at other universities and institutions in Switzerland.

Are there English-taught programs at universities in Switzerland?

Yes, many universities in Switzerland offer programs taught in English, especially at the graduate level.

Are there scholarships available for international students in Switzerland?

Yes, there are various scholarships available for international students in Switzerland, offered by the universities themselves, the Swiss government, and other organizations.

In Conclusion 

Regardless of whether you are getting an undergraduate or higher education in Switzerland, a rich scholastic encounter lies ahead! Halfway situated in Western Europe, Switzerland is little yet full to the edge with staggering sights, flavourful food, drawings in history, and A-list colleges.

Switzerland is known for its set of experiences of impartiality during significant global wars, but it has a long, long history of drawing in with the worldwide network and driving endeavors to advance and improve in such countless various areas. 

A significant place for money and global relations, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg, Switzerland has something to bring everybody to the table, and in four dialects on the double!

As a worldwide undergraduate, you will most likely draw in with your new school and home a cycle uniquely in contrast to what you may do as a member in an arranged report abroad program. If you are now running after a degree, think about spending a semester or two as a global undergraduate in a Swiss college. Perhaps you haven’t begun school at this point and are longing to flee from home. You can get your whole degree abroad! 


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