
How To Get A Job In Canada

There are usually so many reasons to move and live abroad in Canada. Working is one of the best of them. So if you are looking to get a job in Canada, this article has the information you need.

You might be a lover of vast expanses, meeting extremely friendly people, and experiencing diverse cities. Moving and working in Canada might be a great opportunity to gain all of these experiences and more while you earn at the same time.

We understand that applying for a job in Canada can be a tough thing to do. You get unsure of how to begin and the things to put in their right places to land you a job in Canada. This is where we come in. We have created a complete guideline to help you apply for a job in Canada and get it.

Why Canada?

Canada is the second largest country in the world, although this is only by landmass as its population is barely smaller than that of California. Also, it is easier to migrate to Canada than it is to its southern neighbors. This makes Canada easy and home to all who are ready to move. It is a welcoming country that has recently become home to thousands of Syrian refugees and skilled migrants from all around the world.

Here are some other reasons why you should work in Canada:

all because it’s Canada!

You already know Canada is a beautiful place to be; it’s easy to move to and live in. The Human Development Index ranks Canada sixth, and this is in terms of well-being, standard of living, weather, and lifestyle.

This country has one of the most outstanding education systems. Also, it has a long life expectancy. It has a really strong immigration program and permits operation in a really secure system.

The cost of living

Canada is one of the few well-developed countries whose cost of living is quite affordable. You don’t have to sweat a river to be able to afford a house, food, gas, and even a car. Life is quite cheaper in Canada than in most other countries. The country is safe, too; its crime rate is low, and this makes it one of the safest places on earth.

There are tons of employment opportunities

Canada has a very low unemployment rate, as thousands of jobs are created in the country every month. It ranks high in modern technologies, and even so, it is rapidly advancing in all the ways development can come about. It is currently the best place for telecommunications, IT professionals and computer scientists, pharmaceuticals, engineering,, and aerospace. These are the most prominent skills and companies in the cities in Canada.

It offers amazing working benefits

Canada offers its residents government-funded healthcare. The companies also offer accessible healthcare plans for their employees too.

Working Policies

Pregnant women, nursing mothers, or women who have recently adopted a child are given benefits by this amazing country. For expecting mothers, it creates a Prenatal Nutrition program for expecting mothers. What this program does is give nutrition guidance, food and preparation training, breastfeeding education, prenatal vitamin supplementation, and maternal lifestyle counseling to these women.

For diversity

Over the years, there has been an influx of immigrants into Canada from all over the world. This has caused an increase in diversity, and as a result, several businesses and corporations have taken this into deliberation and employed measures to ascertain that their work culture represents the assorted Canadian population.

All these benefits and more mean that this is the perfect time to move to Canada if you have been planning to do so.

How Do I Migrate to Canada?

There are quite a few ways you can migrate to Canada, either for permanent residency or to obtain a work permit. Here are some other immigration options:

The express entry option is when you immigrate as a skilled worker.
The provincial nominee program option is when you are nominated by a specific province.
There is also the Family sponsorship option.

If a shorter-term basis is what you plan for, you might want to apply for a work permit. There are two options for the work permit application. There is an open work permit that allows you to work for any employer in Canada. And on the other hand, there is the employer-specific work permit, which limits you to working for a particular employer for a certain length of time.

Before this, you are required to look up the immigration laws and work permit conditions of this country before making any plans. although we are sure that you have done that already.

What To Consider Before Finding a Job in Canada

Once the plan to move to Canada has settled in your mind, there are certain things you need to consider and put in place before you move.

Do you Have English and French Language Proficiency?

This is the first thing to consider before you move. We all know that Canada is an official English-speaking country. But do you also know that Canada is a bilingual country?

Canada is an English- and French-speaking country. And indeed, both languages have equal status and are held up as the country’s official languages. This doesn’t mean that you must be fluent in both languages, even though having proficiency in both will put you ahead and open up more job opportunities for you.

Where Do You Want to Live?

You are moving to an entirely new country – away from home and everyone you have ever known. It would have helped if you had sorted this out the moment you began to make plans to move. Canada has quite several metropolises. However, some other parts of the country are exceptionally remote. There are also parts of the country where you are probably not going to find job listings, like in the far north of the country. You do not want to find yourself living here.

You may decide if you want to have some rocky mountains around your residence for some sports like skiing and hiking. The resort towns of Jasper and Banff, or even Vancouver, are the right places for this.

If you are a lover of art, culture, and food, Toronto should call your name. And if it is a city to help you sharpen your French skills, Montreal is the place to live in. It’s a big country! Remember, it is the second largest in the world, and you may have to be intentional about this decision, putting your job search at the top of the list.

Type of Work

What kind of job will you want to work at? What kind of industry or field would you like to work in? Have you thought about these already?
Whether you are a professional in your field or an individual who is looking to make a career switch, or you’re just starting out – it is the same. You have to be sure of what you want, where you want to work, and with whom, and then narrow your search to the industries and markets that fit into your goals.

Now, to get this job!

How To Find A Job In Canada

Before we begin on how to land that job in Canada, we must have to deal with searching and finding job opportunities in Canada.


This can never be overemphasized. It is the easiest way to find and get a job offer. Do you know anyone who lives in Canada—anyone who knows someone who lives in Canada? Knowing people is the easiest way to land a job in Canada, as well as in some other places.

Have a set network of contacts, as it can aid you in your search for jobs in Canada’s hidden job market. Also, it is an excellent way to let a lot of people know that you’re looking for work.

Aside from knowing someone in Canada, there are other sure and easy ways to find jobs in the country. This is where the internet comes to play. Here are a few suggestions on how and where to search:

Online Resources

It might be easy for you to consult job sites online.

The easiest way – but probably the least likely to succeed – is to consult job sites online, as any Canadian would who is looking for a job.

Using LinkedIn is a perfect start. LinkedIn is a social network geared towards professional networking. Also, LinkedIn has a job section. So many employers use LinkedIn to look out for potential clients. This means that using this social network will be helpful.

You Can Also Find Jobs In Canada From The Following Resources:

  • Government of Canada – this resource not only lists jobs, it also includes information you might need about the job, such as requirements and pays.
  • Moving 2 Canada – this is another website designed mainly for foreign workers and newcomers in Canada.
  • WOWJobs – this website offers job opportunities to residents in Canada.
  • Indeed Canada – this website is a good place to search for jobs in any sector. It comprises job listings from two other popular job websites; monster and Workopolis.
  • Hot Jobs in Canada – this is a Canadian-focused job website.
  • Workopolis is a job board that provides services in both official languages of Canada.
  • Eluta – this job search engine automatically yanks jobs literally from employer websites.

Another way will be to canvass employers.

Calling or emailing employers who you think might need someone with your skills can also help. You can look up employers’ websites too. This shows that you know what you want, find it, and go for it.

There is the job bank.

Job banks have been around for quite some time. It has aided many Canadians in finding jobs online. You could try it out too.

How To Get A Job In Canada

Now you have found a job you want, and you want to begin applying.

We believe that you now have an idea of what you want to do and where you want to go, and we are convinced that Canada is the best place for you, We have to move to get your application materials ready. Here are the things you need to put in place to help you land that job in Canada:

Work on your CV.

Have you updated your CV recently? Have there been skills you acquired recently? The job you have found to apply for, do you have skills on your resume for the job?

Your resume is a powerful document as it can make or mar your application. You are sensing alongside your cover letter where you tell your employer why you think you are qualified for the job.

For your resume, ensure to check the formats, and styles and continue to go through the contents. Although format and style vary from country to country, do well to look up formats for Canada and reformat your CV.

For instance, your employers in Canada want to see highlights of your achievements. If you have skills in particular programs, skills, or previous work experience, ensure you put them on your CV to help your application stand out.

Also, ensure you have some fellow employees that can give you a useful reference. LinkedIn is a good place for this. Job owners and employers are utilizing this tool to source candidates for jobs in Canada every day. You also get to allow other employees to write recommendations about you. Also, try to obtain employment references from your past employers in your home country and other countries you have worked in. These references are only necessary if they are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Remember to maintain your humility while being truthful too. Do not try to over-impress by exaggerating your skills.

Which Companies Do You Want To Apply For?

The trick is to apply to more than one job. What this does is boost your chances of landing a job. However, it is not advisable to apply for multiple jobs with the same cover letter. We recommend that you write a unique cover letter to each company with a job listing you want to apply for.

Ensure Your Qualifications Are Accredited

Some professions in Canada, such as nursing, teaching, and engineering, are usually regulated to safeguard the health and safety of the public. If you have these professions, this means that you will need to register with a regulatory body in the region you will be working in.

You also have to ensure that your educational qualifications meet Canadian requirements. You can have your credentials accredited through the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) by independent third parties like the World Education Assessment (WES).
This document and the registration usually cost around $200 and could take about six months to process

Make Sure To Follow Up On Your Applications

After you have updated and sent out your CV, it is essential to follow up on your application. You could drop a follow-up email. What this does is that it shows you are interested in landing the job, and this could boost your chances of getting it.

Also, when you are notified of an interview for your job, ensure to respond politely to the email, as this little politeness can do much more than you can imagine.

Get To Work On Networking

While you have applied and followed up, begin to network. This never goes out of style. Networking with the right people can land you a job faster than your application can sometimes.

This kind of networking can be done in settings like career fairs and job events. You are also likely to meet with people who are also interested in the same field as you. It’s important to know that most available jobs in Canada never get advertised publicly. In other words, the hidden job market.

One great idea is to use volunteer work in Canada to put your name and skills out there. This will help you gain valuable work experience in Canada as well as bring you closer to popular industries. What this does is sell you, and it makes landing a full-time job much easier.

Be confident!

Moving to a new country away from everyone you have ever known is quite challenging. Also, trying to build a support network from scratch and applying for jobs is a challenging feat. However, you have to be easy on yourself and believe that everything will work out in your favor.


In conclusion, Canada is a great place to begin life all over again. Before you move, ensure that you have taken all things into consideration. Also, ensure you have decided on the kinds of jobs you want for yourself and go on to search for them and apply using our guidelines.
We hope our article helps. All the best!


2023 List of Employers who have applied for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire a foreign worker to fill labour or skills shortages (Click on each employer to explore Job Openings)


International Workers are able to apply since these are LMIA-Ready Jobs from Canadian Employers Willing to Hire Foreign Workers to fill labour or skill shortage on a “Temporary Basis”.

Gaining 1 Year of Canadian Work Experience allows you to apply for PR via Express Entry, PNP or other Immigration Streams.

Click the Lists below to see ALL the employers and Apply

(LIST 1) – Canadian Employers with LMIA ready to Hire Foreign Workers

(LIST 2) – Canadian Employers with LMIA ready to Hire Foreign Workers

(LIST 3) – Canadian Employers with LMIA ready to Hire Foreign Workers

(LIST 4) – Canadian Employers with LMIA ready to Hire Foreign Workers

(LIST 5) – Canadian Employers with LMIA ready to Hire Foreign Workers

What are the Provinces and Territories of Canada where Immigrants can Settle?

The following are the List of Provinces and Territories in Canada one can Immigrate to.

Click in any of the Provinces below to search and apply for Jobs in Canada.


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island




What are the New Quebec Occupations List for Facilitated LMIA Process in 2023?

Quebec New Occupation List 2022 for Facilitated LMIA Process

0112 – Human Resource Managers

0122 – Banking, Credit and other Investment managers

0211 – Engineering Managers

0213 – Computer and Information System Managers

0421 – Administrator Post-secondary Education and Vocational Training

0601 – Sales, Marketing, and Advertising Managers

0911 – Manufacturing Managers

1111 – Financial Auditors and Accountants

1112 – Financial and Investment Analysts

1113 – Securities agents, investment dealers, and brokers

1114 – Other financial officers

1121 – Human Resources professionals

1122 – Professional Occupations in Business Management Consulting

1223 – Human Resources and Recruitment officers

1314 – Assessors, Valuators, and Appraisers

2111 – Physicists and Astronomers

2113 – Geo scientists and Oceanographers

2121 – Biologists and Related Scientists

2131 – Civil Engineer

2132 – Mechanical Engineers

2133 – Electrical and Electronics Engineers

2141 – Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers

2146 – Aerospace Engineers

2147 – Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)

2148 – Other Professional Engineers, n.e.c

2171 – Information Systems Analysts and Consultants

2172 – Database Analysts and Data Administrators

2173 – Software Engineers and Designers

2174 – Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers

2175 – Web Designers and Developers

2211 – Chemical technologists and technicians

2221 – Biological Technologists and Technicians

2222 – Agricultural and Fish Products Inspectors

2231 – Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians

2232 – Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

2233 – Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Technologists and Technicians

2234 – Construction Estimators

2251 – Architectural Technologists and Technicians

2252 – Industrial Designers

2253 – Drafting Technologists and Technicians

2263 – Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational Health & Safety

2264 – Construction Inspectors

2281 – Computer Network Technicians

2282 – User Support Technicians

2283 – Systems Testing Technicians

3151 – Head Nurses and Supervisors

3152 – Registered Nurses

3215 – Medical Radiation Technologists

3216 – Medical Sonographers

3151 – Opticians

3233 – Licensed Practical Nurses

3237 – Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment

4131 – College and Other Vocational Instructors

4151 – Psychologists

4163 – Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants

4164 – Social Policy Researchers, Consultants, and Program Officers

4169 – Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

4212 – Community and Social Service Workers

5111 – Librarians

5113 – Archivists

5125 – Translators, Terminologists, and Interpreters

5211 – Library and Public Archive Technicians

5223 – Graphic Arts Technicians

5241 – Graphic Designers and Illustrators

6221 – Technical Sales Specialists Wholesale Trade

6411 – Sales Representatives Wholesale Trade (Non-Technical)

7231 – Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors

7232 – Tool and Die Makers

7312 – Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics

7316 – Machine Fitters

7315 – Aircraft Mechanics and Aircraft Inspectors

9213 – Supervisors, food, beverage, and associated products processing

9214 – Supervisors, Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing

9221 – Supervisors, Motor Vehicle Assembling

9222 – Supervisors, Electronics Manufacturing

9223 – Supervisors, Electrical Products Manufacturing

9226 – Supervisors, other Mechanical and Metal Products Manufacturing

9227 – Supervisors, Other Products Manufacturing and Assembly

9421 – Chemical Plant Machine Operators

9511 – Machining Tool Operators

In-Demand Occupations under Nova Scotia Occupations In-Demand Stream

Updated Nova Scotia In-Demand Occupations based on the province’s Labour Market Needs

Check the link below to find Job Opportunities in Nova Scotia Occupations In-Demand Stream

In-Demand Occupations under Nova Scotia Occupations In-Demand Stream



Articles: 144

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