
What Is Study Abroad? 13 Amazing Secrets You Need To Know

Most times, people tend to shoot from the hip when they can take it up systematically and hit the nail at the head. Studying abroad isn’t one you wake up to or one you set out for without planning; it requires conscious and consistent endeavors that are in line with the study abroad tips, which we’re about to list in a few lines to come.

In this article, put together by abroadgurus, we’ll be talking about amazing secrets that you need to know about studying abroad.

Remember, leaving your country for a foreign land isn’t all it means to study abroad. Let’s find out what studying abroad means.

Before we define study abroad, take a quick look at the table of contents below.

Table of contents

What Is Study Abroad?

Study abroad is the term given to a program, usually run through a university, which allows a student or students to live in a foreign country and attend a foreign university.

In some cases, two institutions agree to exchange students so that these students can learn in a foreign country and broaden their horizon.

The phrase study abroad cut beyond that context: studying abroad is much more than the activity that goes on in the classroom. It is a full-blown foreign experience where you get the chance to learn, socialize, and take a full-round tour.

In other words, studying abroad entails immersing yourself in a new culture, adventuring far and wide, thinking in fresh ways, and discovering yourself.

Study abroad comes in different forms; the typical program allows a student to spend a semester or semesters studying abroad. It can also be in the form of internships or volunteer experiences, where the candidate is out to gain a related career experience.

Whether you are a high school student or college graduate, studying abroad in the right school will always be a move in the correct part.

To avoid the mistake of making the wrong choice, this article will further expound on the fantastic secrets you need to know about studying abroad.

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Why Is Study Abroad Important?

Study abroad is one of the surest ways students can gain global skills that opens them up for top-notch personal and professional opportunities. To many students, studying abroad is a life-changing experience that unlocks their minds to new world realities.

Based on responses from 10,0000 hiring managers and CEOs in 116 nations, the 2011 QS Global employer survey found that 60% of respondents said they do “value an international study experience”.

Let’s take a quick look at the top 5 reasons why studying abroad is essential.

#1 Gives you a new challenge

Studying abroad exposes you to new challenges. There are unique challenges attached to studying abroad; nonetheless, it adds spice to the experience.

Studying abroad creates a new sense of independence in you as you look to adjust to the unfamiliar terrain and meet up with the academic expectations.

#2 Experience a different culture and perspectives

One of the greatest advantages of studying abroad for many international students is exposure to new cultural inclinations. This outstanding experience will help so see and do things differently.

Without mincing words, there’ll be an obvious culture shock. When you study abroad, your daily routine, culture, and the attitudes of people around you will no longer be familiar. Hey! That’s the fun of it.

#3 Access to quality education

The goal of living in your home country for a foreign land will be defeated if your study abroad choice does not symbolize quality education.

For every aspiring study abroad candidate, there’s a promise of quality education at the other end.

One of the significant benefits of living your country for a study abroad destination is the obvious access to a more organized education system that equips students for the global stage.

#4 Learn a new language

By studying abroad, you’ll have the chance to hone your language skills, especially when you’re looking in a country that doesn’t speak your local language.

While studying a language in class is rewarding, applying it to the real world is an entirely original experience. That’s to say, you’re more likely to learn a new language faster by practicing it regularly.

Developing your language skills or learning a new language can also positively impact your career. According to northeastern.edu, many international organizations rely on foreign language skills and proficiency as one of the critical components of a candidate’s competitiveness during the selection process.

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#5 Make new friends

Studying abroad helps you build valuable relationships with people from all over the world. You broaden your international connections while having the opportunity to meet people that could turn into lifelong friends. Some connections can even lead to career opportunities, including internships, job offers, and business partners.

The university where you study will often have a large community of students from local regions and abroad, allowing you to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. The wider your network, the greater the likelihood you’ll be connected to exciting career and social opportunities.

For instance, Northeastern’s International Field Study Experience allows students to work with established multinational companies on a real global issue they are facing. Doing so is a unique opportunity to build relationships and expand their global networks.

Is Studying Abroad Hard?

Studying abroad is one outstanding achievement every student aims for. In spite of the challenges at admission and settling downstage, surviving your first year abroad isn’t the easiest thing to do.

If you find yourself in a foreign land with a foreign language, there may be a language barrier, difference in teaching style, money issues, and even difficulty in settling in. To help you navigate better through this challenging period, I have prepared 13 amazing secrets you need to know about studying abroad.

Amazing Secrets You Need To Know About Studying Abroad

These amazing secrets will serve as a guide to every study abroad candidate. Stay with me as I walk you through them.

1. Make new friends

Finding yourself in an alien environment is a good reason to make new friends that’ll be there to guide and direct you.

This can be done by attending the orientation/freshers’ week and any other student activity that serves as an avenue to meet new people. Introduce yourself to as many people as possible, join a few clubs, find the right international student network.

You can also afford to join the international club at your host university. This will be an opportunity to meet and network with other people from different countries who share the same experience of being abroad.

In all these, don’t forget to be intentional about the type of people you meet. Meeting people with the same purpose will be in your best interest.

2. Learn how to do things independently 

In as much as you need to socialize, you also need to appreciate the fact that you came all the way from your home country all by yourself and that there’s a great need to be independent.

If you are used to having people cook, wash and clean your closet, you better learn how to do them by yourself because it will cost you much and in the absence of those helpers, you’ll have a rough time which is unexpected.

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3. Studying abroad makes you responsible

Being responsible doesn’t just spell as a rule to study abroad candidates. The art of being responsible is a world outlook that aligns your activities with your ideals and goals.

If you fail in the art of being responsible, you’ll find yourself getting into trouble frequently, which may cause missing out on the goals. Therefore, it is important you behave responsibly and try not to get into fussy situations that can harm you.

4. Study hard

Of course, studying hard is one of the ideal things to do. In order to learn and come out educationally refined, you need to study hard. Try to go to the library, form study groups with like-minded students.

While it’s important to join book clubs and reading groups, there’s also a need to strike a balance between your academic life and your extracurricular life; remember study abroad goes beyond the academic lens.

5. Stay healthy

Upon deciding to study abroad, most institutions advise you to carry out a health test beforehand to prove that you are in good health.

As much as you can, you need to stay healthy and keep yourself in good shape. To achieve good health, you have to; eat well, exercise regularly, sleep well, drink lots of water, measuring your rate of alcohol intake, and stay off hard drugs.

6. Learn the language

Studying abroad where you don’t speak their first language offers you a good opportunity to learn their language. This will help you interact and communicate better with your environment. Additionally, knowing how to speak a foreign language is an added score to your CV.

The idea of living in a place where you neither understand nor know how to speak their language is one thing you should avoid as it greatly inhibits communication and learning.

7. Be a good tipper

Though not mandatory, tipping is an essential action you need to adopt. Learn what locals are likely to tip and what they tip for and try to do the same.

Tipping used to be about showing appreciation for excellent service. Therefore, if you aren’t pleased with a particular service rendered, don’t bother tipping the service provider.

8. Avoid overspending

Overspending is one habit that’s capable of rendering anybody financially crippled. In order to survive in a foreign land, be decent in your spending. If it’s not relevant, don’t buy or spend on it.

Now, I’m not telling you to cut off all fun activities like going to a club or partying, you just have to be smart about it. If you must hang out with friends, make sure it’s not eating deep into your pocket and it’s on your budget list.

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8. Do not give in to peer pressure

One thing you should avoid as an international student is peer pressure. When it comes to doing things, ensure you’re comfortable doing it and not something you’re coerced to do.

Giving in to peer pressure can divide your attention and rip you off your personal ideals and lifestyle. While there will be peer pressures, ensure your goals aligns with and every action you choose to take.

9. Studying abroad opens you up to vast career opportunities

Inarguably, the ideal reason for getting a degree in the first place is to enhance your career prospects. When this degree is obtained in a foreign land and in a more globalized setting, employees place a higher value on international experience and education.

Studying abroad helps you to learn new languages, appreciate other culture inclinations, understand living and working in a foreign land, overcome the challenges of living in a foreign country and enjoy a wider worldview.

With these experiences garnered, when you show up for a job interview, your resume will sound better to the employers than one of a fellow that hasn’t left his motherland.

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10. You’ll Advance Your Future Career

Employers value the independence, adaptability and flexibility you stand to gain from studying abroad.

To keep the light ever shining, your time abroad should be extensively utilized; grow your network and expand your mindset. The knowledge gotten from studying abroad is one that should reliable. So, the only duty you owe yourself is to develop yourself.

11. Access to top quality education

Of course, no matter where you study, your goal is always going to be to get the highest possible quality of education. Becoming an international student can broaden your study options. After all, why be limited to choosing a university in your home country?

The best choice for you may be to study at a foreign university. For example, the UK, USA, Germany, and Australia all have remarkably highly regarded higher education systems, and a good share of the world’s highest-ranking universities are in these few countries.

12. You can work while studying

While studying abroad, you can take up side hustles or part-time jobs that will fetch you some bucks that’ll be highly beneficial to you.

Suppose you are interested in studying and working in a foreign country. In that case, it is essential to find out the countries that grant permits to students to work while studying, and under what conditions these permits are carried out.

Countries like Norway, the U.K., Australia, Ireland, U.S.A, Canada, France etc allows international students to work while studying.

READ MORE: Study in Canada: Top school, Fees, and Visa Requirements

13. You’ll Increase Your Adaptability

Though it might not be visible at first, studying abroad enhances the way you think and makes you more adaptable. This is so because you interact with people with different cultural inclinations and perspectives every day.

Studying abroad keeps one open-minded and helps you discover new interests and probably gain a greater appreciation from your family and workspace.

FAQs On Studying Abroad

What is a study abroad essay?

A study abroad essay is a written document in which an applicant expresses their interest in studying abroad and outlines their qualifications and reasons for wanting to do so. The essay is usually a required part of the application process for study abroad programs.

What is the purpose of studying abroad?

Study abroad is one of the best ways to acquire global skills and access personal and professional opportunities.

What skills do you need to study abroad?

If you desire to study abroad, you need to master the following skills:
1) Networking
2) Communication
4) Flexibility/Adaptability
5) Intercultural skills
6) Problem-solving skills
8) Self-awareness.
9) Confidence
10) Work-ethic


With the recent wave of globalization, employers are endlessly looking for employees with cross-cultural competencies and groundbreaking technical skills. To fit in, study abroad is one of the best ways a student can gain global skills, cross-cultural competencies, and groundbreaking technical skills that create ample room for increased personal and professional growth.



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