
15 Educative Medical Missions’ Trips for College Students in 2021

Obtaining a medical degree as a student can be very tasking.

As a result, alternatives that can provide students the opportunity for real life applications could come in handy.

One of the ways is through medical mission trips for college students.

It has been proven that 75% of college students who make medical mission trips acquire a lot of hands-on experience.

This accounts for a rapid improvement from medical institutions who make it compulsory for their students to go for the mission trips.

A number of incurable chronic illness cases have been cured through a large percent of students in these categories.

Consequently, it has become a thing to embrace as it helps create a quicker solution to health challenges.

There are a lot of benefits from making medical mission trips as a college student.

Firstly, it affords you an opportunity to get to see for yourself first-hand application of your discipline.

Secondly, it gives you access to directly relate with patients with various kinds of ailment.

Most importantly, more time could be spent learning from various professionals thereby upgrading your skills practically.

As has become a necessity for medical college students, we have designed this article to point you in the right direction.

A carefully selected list of some educational medical mission trips in 2021 has been compiled.

List of Medical Mission Trips for College Students in 2021

Read carefully through each one to see if it is in line with your chosen career path and make the best of it.

1. Dentistry Volunteer at Tshida Dental Clinic (Bamako, Mali)

As an aspiring dentist and a college student, most of the experience you possess is likely to be theoretical.

A trip to one of the best Dental Hospitals in Africa to volunteer and learn in 2021 would be a great opportunity.

Tshida dental clinic is well equipped with the right facilities to attend to their patients effectively.

They intermittently make vacancies available four times a year to accept college students who are passionate.

Furthermore, volunteers are expected to have been studying a course directly in Dentistry to be considered.

2. Kata Mid-wife Medical Mission Trips for College Students 2021 (Himalayas, India)

This is another interesting opportunity to scale up your knowledge and skill.

Kata mid-wife clinic provides a wide range of possibilities for nursing and pregnant women to explore.

In fact, their services have been one of the best over a few years now.

Twice yearly, they embark on a trip to go to various villages to cater to women with health challenges.

They usually accept college students who have a passion for learning to embark with them.

3. Hoffmann’s Nursing Internship Program 2021 (Nurnberg, Germany)

Hoffmann’s Nursing center currently invites college medical nursing students to apply for their 2021 internship program. The duration of the program will be three to six weeks.

Interns will be opportune to work with professionals within the period to acquire the best there is.

A strong passion for learning and the ability to deliver with good precision would be acceptable.

4. Medical missions at Taraji’s Health Care Centre (Porto-Novo Benin)

Another offer to become a seasoned health specialist is currently available.

Taraji health care center offers quality and less expensive health care system for its patients.

Consequently, for their standard they are well sought for in both consultation and treatment.

Their well-equipped facility gives room to access various forms of learning.

Also, this year’s program will allow multiple entries as their medical missions are in batches and of various categories.

5. Hasebe’s Medical Lab Trip (Tokyo, Japan)

The Japanese medical lab offers a limitless opportunity yearly to passionate students who are keen on practical development.

As a result, they possess a high standard as compared to other labs within their region.

 Their 2021 internship begins in march as entries are open to Medical lab college students across the world for application.

6. Medical Mission Trip for college students in Oklahoma Specialist Hospital (UK)

Another way to make a medical trip journey is to join a Specialist Hospital that deals with only professionals.

Oklahoma’s is one of the reliable ones that can be considered to provide the necessities for your learning journey.

Furthermore, they collaborate with other health care centers and hospitals that major in various categories.

As a result, you can leverage on this to also obtain skills from one or more collaborators.


7. Go on a Medical Mission Trip with Soldiers

Soldiers are known to combat war for their country at different fronts.

A decision to join them as health care support could be a dangerous but fulfilling one.

You get to face various emergencies and have to deliver promptly.

Also, it affords you an opportunity to take a tour and see patients with different backgrounds and illnesses.

Some of these ailments might be fatal that requires a good amount of experience to handle.

Of course, you can only join a group of soldiers as a health care assistant only if your experience is good.

As a result, you begin your journey by joining their medical training team and apply to assist them during a few outings.

8. Medical Mission Trip with Missionaries

Making a journey to spread the gospel or reach out to people in need of financial support is a necessity for missionaries.

They often seek a medical team to accompany them in their journey.  

Volunteering to provide health care aid could be an opportunity to work with an on the go team while you learn.

Consequently, you could strike a deal to provide support for missionaries in subsequent times.

Furthermore, patients you meet along your journey can become attached to you. This helps you build a larger client list along your career.

Finally, you can check out a list of some missionary organizations. Some recommended ones include; Anglican, Sapphire, Jerusalem, and Cambodia.

9. Medical Mission Research Trip

This is one way of expanding your knowledge on your area of discipline. A tour to different countries, towns, cities or countries can help you acquire more data.

Most importantly, it could help you know the lifestyle of people from various backgrounds. The medical challenges particular to each kind can be obtained as well.

Furthermore, a cause and effect of these medical challenges can be deduced and a possible solution embarked on.

As a result, intense research will be needed to obtain the desired solution.

In summary, there are a number of available medical mission research teams that you can work with to achieve this.

This would help reduce the stress of having to do all logistics by yourself.

A list of the teams and organizations you can work with include; Charicare, Healistics, and Anchorage.

10. Dakar Optometry Medical Mission Trip (Senegal)

This is a notable center in the world where a lot of eye related challenges have been successfully treated.

They offer one of the best eye medications so far and are open to employing interns.

The medical mission trip for college students in 2021 is open for applications from passionate students.

Your discipline must be closely related to what they offer as they seek to advance knowledge.

All intending applicants should submit their applications via the link below.

In conclusion, most of the medical mission trips for college students in 2021 have been spiced up.

They now offer more advanced and improved practical ways of solving health challenges.

The highlighted opportunities here are only but a few. You could do more research on them or better still see the opportunities we have designed.

In summary, while learning in the four walls of a classroom would provide you with theoretical insights, the need for a practical hands-on cannot be over emphasized.

You need to seek opportunities that would provide you practicable skills and exposure.


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