
Volunteer in Africa for Free: 10 Best Volunteer Programs in 2023

Have you been desiring to travel and see new places in the world? Here’s an opportunity that can offer you bot – a volunteer program outside your country/continent. A volunteer program in Africa! This can be a lifetime experience. It can help develop your personal and professional skills as well as bestowing you the ability to impact positive benefits on the host community.

Each year, the number of volunteers who travel abroad increases as well as the impactful contributions they make in Africa. Indeed, there are many advantages to volunteering in Africa but sometimes, the cost of the programs can discourage a passionate volunteer. If your plans for volunteering abroad have been deterred by the cost, stop right there! We have made a list of the 10 best volunteer programs in Africa where you can volunteer for free or at a low cost.

here is what you must know! It is difficult to find free volunteer programs in Africa and here are some reasons why:

Why Volunteer in Africa?

Africa is one of the most beautiful continents in the world. Although still in its developing process but yet, very culturally rich. It possesses a rare combination of intriguing history, culture and people, natural beauty, and wildlife yet untouched. This leaves open doors for traveling/tourism, and volunteering opportunities for individuals all around the world.

If you are a wildlife, culture, or nature lover, then these opportunities are for you. Consider how much growth you hope to gain through this one-of-a-kind opportunity. Consider the worthwhile experience as well as the beautiful memories of people, places, and things, you will carry with you when you leave.

Read: 15 Best Summer Volunteering Programs for High School Students in 2023

Will it Be Safe to Volunteer Abroad in 2023?

As of now, it is essential to consider several factors before deciding to volunteer abroad in 2023. The safety of volunteering abroad depends on various aspects, including the specific country and region you plan to visit, the prevailing socio-political situation, and the state of public health. It is crucial to stay informed about travel advisories, consult with reputable volunteer organizations, and thoroughly research your chosen destination.

Additionally, closely monitor updates from international health organizations and local authorities regarding COVID-19 and other potential health risks. Keep in mind that conditions can change rapidly, so flexibility and adaptability are key.

Consider speaking with experienced volunteers or professionals in the field to gain insights and guidance. By taking these precautions and remaining vigilant, you can make an informed decision about the safety of volunteering abroad in 2023.

What to Consider Before Choosing the Best Volunteer Program in Africa

There are lots of volunteering programs in Africa for people with different interests. Make sure to find the one that best suits your interests. Also, be sure to answer the why-you-want-to-there question. It is important to know the motivation behind why you want to volunteer at your chosen destination. Knowing your purposes and what you hope to gain from it will help you decide on a better volunteer program and destination to go for.

It is also important to find out the living condition of your host community. It must be somewhere you can comfortably volunteer in. Research the food and water, and the weather, and decide if you can cope and not up and leave in the middle of the program.

Check out for the organizations you would want to volunteer for in your chosen community. Check out the ones in need of the abilities you have o offer.  

Another important thing to consider is networking with people who have either volunteered in your chosen community and organization or in places similar to yours, to learn about your experiences. Also, it is important to find programs that need your skills and experience.

Can You Really Volunteer in Africa for Free?

You may have wondered why volunteer programs are needed to be paid for when you are the one giving a helping hand and offering your skill and abilities. You give your time and energy and yet you are required to pay. It is quite ironic but here’s what we need you to know about paying for volunteer programs in Africa.

However, after carrying out careful research, you’ll come to realize that volunteer organizations do not get any funding or Government support to run their volunteer programs. As a result, the money you pay to participate in a volunteer program is important to the organization to organize and run these projects.

While a volunteer organization may be a non-profit, it is still a company that has costs to handle and employees that need to be paid.

Also, you need to understand that hosting international volunteers is not a cheap endeavor to tackle. You will be picked up from the airport on your arrival, accommodated, and fed throughout your stay in your volunteer organization/community.

More importantly, most of these projects/volunteer programs in Africa are

Most of the projects are rarely coping financially, and as a result, need the help of international volunteers.

We hope that you can have all of these in mind while you read through to decide which programs to apply for. We hope you don’t think that the organizers of these programs are trying to explain this to you. Simply consider your volunteer program fee as a donation to the project and all the causes you have come to give a helping hand to.

Having considered all of these, find the best 10 volunteer programs in Africa for free or at low cost, below:

Also, read: How to Become a Volunteer in Thailand in 2023

Best Volunteer Programs in Africa for Free

Volunteer in Morocco

Morocco is a country in Africa known for its Medinas. These Medieval cities are most popular for the traditional handicrafts that go on there like pieces of jewelry, leather items, teapots, and rugs. And not only does Morocco have paradise beaches and extensive stretches of desert, but it also has mountains.

Unfortunately, Morocco is a country in dire need of helping hands in its educational and financial sectors. Out of the over 4 million people living in poverty in the country, about 3 million of them dwell in rural areas. As a result, about 19 percent of the country’s population lives on less than $4 a day. This opens up different organizations to volunteer within the country.

You can volunteer with International Volunteer HQ on a broad range of volunteer abroad projects which include;

  • Childcare
  • Teaching
  • Women’s Education
  • Special Needs Care.

Volunteer opportunities in Morocco are mostly based in the coastal cities of Rabat, Casablanca, and Sale.

  • Volunteer work in Morocco is available year-round
  • 6 meaningful project options
  • Projects based in and around Rabat, Casablanca, and Sale
  • Accommodation in traditional Moroccan homestays
  • Program fees include airport pick-up, orientation, accommodation, meals, and 24/7 in-country support
  • Affordable program fees from only $245 for 1 week
  • Between 10 and 30 volunteers start in Morocco each month
  • Affordable Arabic and French language lessons available to volunteers in Morocco

Child Care Volunteering in Kenya

This program would give an opportunity to peep inside the orphanages of Nairobi, where several little ones (from the age of a few months to 12-year-olds) have been provided shelter. Unfortunately, these children have either lost both their parents or one of them, and the other denied to look after the child due to the poverty-stricken conditions.

Being a part of this project would make you realize the fact that not all are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. The main task of the volunteers would be to look after the kids, nurse them, shower and feed them, play with them, and shower them with endless love.

Participants can also assist the orphanage staff with work like cooking, cleaning, wash clothes, etc. Visit the Maasai villages while volunteering in Kenya, and know about their lives in more detail. And of course, how can one miss going on wildlife safaris while in Kenya?

The closest neighbor of Tanzania, Kenya is popular for its game drives and moreover for its preserved tribal communities. Volunteering in Kenya can lead you to meet and interact with one of the oldest surviving tribes in Africa, the Masai people. 

It’ll be a learning experience to live and engage deeply with the locals.  In an interesting study carried out by Oxfam, it was touted the traditional living of Masai and practices of producing food in adverse conditions can prove beneficial in the present day as well.

A glimpse of this and more is assured during the immersive living experiences. Other volunteering opportunities in Kenya are offered in the fields of Healthcare, Education, and Childcare in Kenya. Volunteers are placed in the capital city of Nairobi.

One can easily witness the peak of Kilimanjaro during a game drive in the Masai Mara Reserve and Amboseli National Park.

Volunteer in South Africa for Wildlife and Conservation Project

If you are an avid animal lover and always longed to live in the middle of the jungles while working for the wildlife, then this is your chance. The Wildlife & Conservation Project in Port Elizabeth will give you an opportunity to live in the Wildlife Reserve Area.

The main tasks would involve monitoring the animals including lions and elephants, feeding the lion cubs, cleaning alien vegetation, and planting trees inside the reserve. You will have a coordinator and mentor who will be guiding you at every step. Experience the bliss of living amidst nature and the thrill of being surrounded by Africa’s BIG 5.

Volunteer in Tamale Ghana for Sports Coaching Program

Love to play the game? This is your chance to train the little ones – and who knows, one of them can turn out to be tomorrow’s Messi or Ronaldo! The Sports Coaching Program in Ghana is for those who love football and have the confidence to teach children how to play the game.

The main focus should be on improving the football skills of the young players and assisting the local coaches. Participants should conduct practice matches and encourage the kids to play better.

Spend time with the kids and know about their dreams, inspiring them. And while in Ghana, you can also go exploring the Mole National Park, Kintampo Falls, and other beautiful destinations.

Volunteer in Tanzania

Located in East Africa, home to a blend of Arabic and African influences, Tanzania is known for its vast wilderness areas including the plains of Serengeti National Park, a safari mecca populated by the “big five” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino), and Kilimanjaro National Park, home to Africa’s highest mountain. In the offshores lie the tropical islands of Zanzibar,  with a marine park home to whale sharks and coral reefs.

A steadily developing country albeit with social inequalities, Tanzania attempts to climb up the development ladder and VolSol does its bit by connecting enthusiastic do-gooders and volunteers to go out and do their bit in the underprivileged areas of Tanzania.

Volunteer programs are offered in Arusha and Zanzibar, where volunteers have the opportunity to work for Teaching, Medical & Healthcare, and Childcare programs. This is a unique volunteering opportunity as it combines impactful volunteer work along with a chance to visit the visually magnificent archipelago in Africa – Zanzibar

Volunteer in Ghana

Ghana is one of VolSol’s most popular volunteering destinations in Africa. One of the main reasons for this is the varied project options offered in Ghana. From volunteering for children at local schools to helping in community development programs; volunteers have a wide range of volunteering opportunities in Ghana. The Girls’ Education Program in Ghana is one such opportunity where VolSol volunteers have left a deep impact.

From building a school from scratch for the little girl children to providing school supplies and reading material for them, a substantial share of the work has been supported by the volunteers. For truly engaging and rewarding work, head to Ghana.

And certainly, Ghana is not all work and no play. By spending time with the locals you will learn about their elaborate festivals, the local cuisine comprising of Banku and Fufu – Ghana’s most famous dishes, their colorful dresses, and the music and dances. Volunteering in Ghana will lead you to witness the core native lifestyle of Africa.

Volunteer in Uganda

Volunteering in Uganda can prove to be an exceptional volunteer abroad experience. VolSol offers placements in and around the capital city, Kampala. Volunteer work opportunities in Uganda vary from teaching children at local schools to working at an orphanage under the childcare program and providing a helping hand in community development and construction work. 

Volunteers will not only get to explore the country culturally but also contribute significantly to the lives of the people of Uganda. Even if you spend just a couple of weeks here, you’ll get to make a deep impact in the lives of the people, who aren’t as fortunate as us.

Also. read: How to Get All-Expense Paid Internships Abroad in 2023

Volunteer in South Africa

If Africa is considered to be one of the most adventurous places in the world, then South Africa has a major role to play in that. The country is known for its history, culture, and amazing landscapes in the form of Table Mountain, Lion’s Head, Garden Route, etc. Volunteering Solutions offers placements in two of the most attractive cities in South Africa – Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.

 Interested travelers can opt to volunteer work for children under Teaching, Sports Coaching, Childcare, and more. Along with these, there are exciting opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts to volunteer for Wildlife Conservation in Port Elizabeth. Volunteer and make a difference throughout the week and make the most of your travel time exploring the destination.


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