
How to Get Scholarships to Study Abroad in 2023; Requirements and Schools

Looking to get a scholarship to study abroad? We can help.

Studying abroad is one of the most beautiful experiences although most students are being discouraged by the cost of moving and studying abroad. They just come on the internet, stare at pictures of their dream schools and countries, and go back to sleep. If you have been here, help has come.

There are tons of study abroad scholarships and grants lying on the internet and just waiting for you to apply for them. These scholarships might not be completely free, nevertheless, the costs will definitely be affordable. It will no longer carry those hefty price tags that have always discouraged you from applying for them.

Scholarships to study abroad are widely available and the trick is just to know where to look and how to apply for them. It is one thing to find scholarship opportunities and it is another to apply right and be accepted. In this article, we will teach you how to apply for a scholarship to study abroad, the requirements, and also, the best schools offering scholarships to study abroad.

How do scholarships to study abroad come?

This question might have crossed your mind but even though you might not have gotten the answer, we are here to tell you.
Scholarships to study abroad come from various sources. And even though these sources might vary from country to country, here are some of them:

The Universities:

  • Academic records
  • Athletic ability
  • Special talents
  • Financial needs.

The Government:

The federal or state government is another great source of financial aid to get scholarships to study abroad. Although this will vary from country to country. For instance, the U.S. government is a massive source of need-based financial aid in the US. This is not the same in Nigeria.

Also, state governments can fund grants and/or global scholarships for international students to study in their country. The country’s embassy is always the best place to get more information on this.

Private and Individual Donor Scholarships

Foundations, organizations, companies, and clubs sponsor scholarships to study abroad. These kinds of scholarships are called either ‘outside’, ‘external’, or ‘private’, scholarships.

These organizations could be religious centers, labor unions, clubs, etc.
The individual donors are simply individuals who have set up private funds to give out financial aid to students. This donor usually set up specific eligibility requirements; academic merit of financial need. These requirements always vary from donor to donor. However, these kinds of scholarships are often advertised online.

Read: 11 Cheapest Universities in Europe to Study Abroad (Almost Free) – 2023 {Updated}

What types of scholarships to study abroad are available?

Now that you know where scholarships to study abroad come from, it is also important to know the different types of scholarships that are available. And for each of the types that will be mentioned below, there are different eligibility requirements. Now, it’s best to read carefully.
Here are the different types of scholarships to study abroad:

The Merit-based Scholarships

This is the most common type of scholarship. It is especially determined by your academic excellence – grades. However, most universities look way beyond your grades up to your special talents.
Usually, the money from merit-based scholarships is slowly to cover your tuition fees. Sometimes, it covers just a part of your tuition fees, and other times, it covers it fully, however, this is always dependent on the university’s budget, your financial needs, or your grades.

The Need-based Scholarships

These types of scholarships are usually granted to students who need financial aid in order to pursue their dreams of studying abroad.
It is usually organized to give aid for studies to students whose guardians are unable to afford the cost of studying.
Here, your academic excellence does not play a major role. Rather, your financial need does.

The Athletic Scholarships

This type of scholarship to study abroad is awarded to top-notch athletes to be required by universities for their athletic teams. This type is however competitive. Also, these athletes compete for prized athletic scholarships which also comes with a price.

However, whilst they school freely, these athletes engage in their strict training as payments. Your performance in sports determines your award.

The Program or Field Specific Scholarships

These types are often associated with certain study levels such as bachelor’s degrees or master’s levels. Also, to distinct programs such as nursing or engineering program.

This type of scholarship can be awarded from the school or from a private donor affiliated with the school. An example will be an alumnus who has set up a scholarship foundation.

The Minority Scholarships

Minority scholarships are basically offered to people who belong to a minority group. The purpose is primarily to ensure that equal access to education is provided for everyone. This type was formed to give access to education to a certain group that ordinarily might have no access to the same opportunity as the privileged ones.

Here are some eligible groups; although not limited to, women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community.

How to Find Scholarships to Study Abroad

Generally, finding scholarships to study abroad is not as difficult as it seems. Basically, all you have to do is to have internet access, know the type of scholarship you want, where you want, and know the right place to search.

The official websites of your favorite schools should be the best places to begin your search for a scholarship from. However, if you end up not finding the right information you seek, contact a representative and ask if they can help. The next step to take would be to look out for financial aid – do fundraising or go for low-cost scholarships.

Now, here are some resources to enable you to find the right scholarship program:

  • Scholarshipportal.com – a database with a list of over 5,000 scholarship opportunities
  • Scholarships for Development – a website that gives financial assistance programs primarily concentrated on students from developing countries
  • The official EU scholarship page – this page has a list of scholarships available for studies in Europe.
  • Scholarships.com – this is a database with over 3.5 million scholarships and grants.
  • Scholarship Portal: this website renders a wide free search database system for scholarships open in Europe. The website allows you to search by region, country, and discipline.
  • FastWeb: this website helps you find scholarships to study abroad.
  • IIE Passport: this database offers a broad search engine for every study abroad program enrolled with an IIE passport
  • Scholarships for Study in Australia: this also is a database rendered by the Australian government to provide students with easy access to available funding for international students studying there.

How to Get Scholarships to Study Abroad

We trust that by now, you have completely understood scholarships, where they come from, how to find them, and the types of scholarships out there.
It is time to learn how to get them. The first step is understanding the eligibility for the one you are going for and ensuring you meet all the requirements and then applying.

This is usually the most tasking part of applying for scholarships to study abroad. And this is because your application can make or mar your chances of studying abroad. Here, we have created steps to help you succeed in applying.

Write your study abroad essay

This is undoubtedly the most essential document that you will write for your application. This is where you create a first impression of your dream school. Tell them about you; your dreams and your aspirations. Your special talents.
Write about why you chose them over all the other scholarships to study abroad opportunities.
Do you meet the eligibility requirements? Tell them how. Tell them why you are a more qualified student.

Your study abroad essay is no playground; neither is it a place to be humble. Highlight your strength. If you have some previous experiences matching your moving abroad to study, write them. Just anything to make you stand out from all the other applicants – anything true!
Pour enthusiasm and passion into your essay. But before you venture into writing, first check out the rule on word limit to ensure you don’t break even the least rules.

Get Your Letter of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation is required for most scholarships. This means that not all universities demand them in your application. To be safer, ensure you read through the requirements on your institution’s official website, so you don’t miss out on a document.

This letter of recommendation should never be written by anyone who primarily has a relationship with you. Instead, it should be written by someone who knows you from a professional point of view. It could be a teacher, a coach, a mentor, or an employer.

Prioritise and Apply on Time

Once you begin researching scholarships to study abroad, it should be one of the first things on your list. Also, kindly take note of the application deadline and apply long before it.
Get every document ready. Also, our essay should be ready and well-written by now. Ensure you read through it thoroughly and continue to edit until it reads correctly. Then apply. On-time!

You may ask what your application should contain. This will vary from school to school but be sure to read instructions before getting things ready.
Your application should be made up of the following:

  • Your CV/resume
  • Study abroad essay
  • Letter of recommendation
  • A transcript of your grades
  • Your financial aid documents.

Apply for More Than One Scholarships

Surprisingly, this is the trick that most students are yet to learn. If you apply for just one and relax, you might be missing out on the other schools that would’ve accepted you to study with them.

The trick is to apply to more schools as possible. It will increase your chances of getting one. It’s best to be in the position to make your choice when two or more schools accept your application than lose out completely by applying for one. Also, ensure you put much effort in applying for all.

Finally, make your application stand out. You don’t want your application to be gone through hurriedly and onto another without any consideration. You don’t want to receive any rejection emails.

Remember to be happy while you submit your application. Ensure you put in your best and watch out for the rest. We wish you the best with your scholarship application.


How can I find scholarships to study abroad?

Research online: Many websites provide comprehensive databases of international scholarships.
Contact your university: Inquire with your institution’s financial aid office or international student services office for information on available scholarships.
Explore government programs: Governments of various countries offer scholarships for international students.
Check with professional organizations: Some professional organizations provide scholarships for students in specific fields of study.

Can I apply for multiple scholarships?

Yes, you can apply for multiple scholarships. In fact, it’s often recommended to apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible to increase your chances of securing financial aid.

Do scholarships cover all expenses of studying abroad?

The extent of scholarship coverage varies from one scholarship to another. Some scholarships may cover tuition fees, while others may also provide funds for living expenses, travel costs, health insurance, or other related expenses. It’s important to carefully review the scholarship details to understand the extent of financial support provided.


In conclusion, getting a scholarship to study abroad is a one-lifetime experience nothing can replace. Studying abroad opens you up to lots of opportunities. Also, you get to gain new experiences that money cannot afford.

We promise you this will go easier than you think if you could just follow the guidelines in this article. We wish you the best with your application, and we hope you make the best out of your years studying abroad.


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