
How To Write An Irresistible Study Abroad Essay

Looking to study abroad and have no clue on how best to write your study abroad essay /application?

Sometimes, going through the procedures of studying abroad can be pretty tricky, almost as complex as the most challenging thing you might ever have to do, especially if you have no guide to follow. You must read through many articles to find and choose the country you want to study in.

Then you read through the different programs open and then process and collect your transcript and references. And then the personal statement and study abroad essay for your application stares you in the face to write it too.

Generally, most study abroad programs are competitive, as your personal statement/essay can shatter all your efforts and break your application. But not to worry, we have created this article to help guide you in writing your statement and study abroad essay. You might want to know that the only thing necessary to your program is knowing who you are and why you have chosen them. But this doesn’t usually come as easy as it reads. Now, let’s begin!

Table of contents

What Is A Study Abroad Essay?

A study abroad essay, otherwise known as a Statement of Purpose (SOP), is a written work or an essay usually written by an applicant which details the applicant’s motives and expectations from a foreign country they desire to move to either for a semester or to study for a couple of years.

It is your all-around personality put in words. Also, you give the admission committee the reason for choosing your application over other applicants. It portrays your career goals, beliefs, vision, and subject knowledge. Also, it helps the admission committee assess your life through your words.

If you happen to have a weak academic profile, a great SOP will help. You may wonder how. The admission committee often looks beyond your academic profiles if your SOP is exceptionally written; your future goals and ambition are highlighted. Your SOP is the essential document you will write for your application, which is majorly to make a great first impression. And to be able to write this, you will need to have decided on a country you hope to move to for studies, on the program, and WHY!

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What Should Be In Your Statement Of Purpose?

Remember that your SOP is the most crucial document in your application. It can make or break your study abroad application, so it must contain as many details about you as possible. It is an introduction, background, career goals, the program’s purpose, and your conclusion.

Below is the complete information your SOP should include:

  • Personal background
  • Financial background
  • Academic details
  • Professional experience (full/part-time, voluntary)
  • Immediate and long-term goals
  • Reasons why you wish to study at this particular institution
  • Reasons for being interested in the chosen field
  • About extra-curricular activities
  • Published works (if any)
  • Papers submitted (if any)
  • Interests and hobbies

Why Study Abroad?

Studying abroad might be challenging to achieve; however, it can be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. It opens you up to so many opportunities. Find some benefits below you will be getting from studying abroad.

1. Education

You would agree that some countries in the world have low standards of education. And if not your country, studying abroad can help you acquire a different teaching style. You get to see a different kind that you might never have been opportune to experience back in your country.

2. You see, the world

This is a massive opportunity if you have always wanted to travel and see the world. You get to do what you desire while schooling and making the most of your life. Also, you experience a new country, culture, and people and see the world differently from where you stand.

You will be opportune to see other neighboring countries around. If you find a program in a country rich in natural wonders and cultures, you are sure to live with beautiful memories and experiences every day of your life.

3. The opportunity to expand your career opportunities

You will agree that most students who move abroad to study usually move back to their home countries to land jobs after studying abroad. If this is you, you stand a huge chance of better employment than your peers. This is because when you move abroad to learn, especially to a country with a higher standard of education than in your country, you will find yourself with a new perspective on many things and then more willing to learn and impact your home country. Students who study abroad are usually beautiful to employers.

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4. For personal development

Moving abroad, away from your family and everyone you have known all your life seems too scary most times. However, this usually turns out great. As a student, moving will help bring out your independent nature. You experience complete freedom to explore the new environment and discover other parts of you you never knew you owned. You find out yourself, and you suddenly begin to understand life better.

Moving to a new place can be pretty overwhelming sometimes, but it helps build up your ability to adapt to different situations and your problem-solving skills.

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5. Networking

This should e one of the most significant benefits of studying abroad is the huge opportunity it projects to meet and interact with new people and build meaningful friendships with people from all walks of life and background.

A tip to help with this is to ensure you stay in touch with your new friends even after your program ends. Friends are essential networking tools, and you may never know what the future holds.

6. To hone your language skills

Of all the many skills and personal development that come with moving and studying abroad, learning a new/foreign language is one of the biggest of them all.

7. New interests

You might never know all the things you can do and find fun in them until you leave your comfort zone. This is what moving abroad to study does to you.

You could wake up one morning to discover that you have an interest and yet, a talent that won’t take too long to hone, for golf, mountain-climbing, hiking, skiing, and other new sport and things you may have never been opportune to try out in your home country. Other entertaining things include movies, movie concerts, plays, nightclubs, and dances. You may never know how much you can love until you try.

READ MORE: Should I Study Abroad in 2023? 17 Reasons Your Country Is Not The Best

8. To experience life

The experience is always worth it. Studying abroad might be your only chance to see the world. If you have ever planned to move to study, take this opportunity. Go beyond a purely academic experience and enjoy this life.

How To Write An Irresistible Study Abroad Essay: Step by step guide

We believe you now understand what a study abroad essay is, all of the information that you are required to include in your SOP and as well, and why you should go ahead and write this application to move abroad.

Now find tips for writing an irresistible study abroad essay to land you that admission in your choice of country and program.


Your admission committee needs to know who you are, your strengths, and your abilities. Society might have made it look like society cherishes people who own p to their weaknesses. This is not the time to do it. Your admission committee wants you to be perfect despite knowing perfection is an illusion.

Throw more light on your strengths and abilities. Tell your personality in words. The committee wants to know who you are beyond your academic profile. Your introduction can make your admission committee go ahead with reading or skip to the next. Safer to put in all your best.

Tell Why Studying Abroad Will Make a Difference in Your Life and Studies

Most students want to study abroad to experience it or out of peer pressure. Or just for the excitement of living abroad. But if you have come this far in this article, we are sure.

Many students want to study abroad just for the experience and the excitement of living and learning abroad. These are essential aspects, of course; however, school administration wants to know why going to your top study-abroad destination will make a difference in your education.

Be specific! Explain the impact studying abroad will have on your personal and professional growth. Don’t just highlight how you think you will learn a lot. What do you expect to get from the program specifically? Is there a reason you picked one country over another to study in?

The more specific you are, the better. It shows the university that you have seriously thought about your studies and are ready for the commitment!

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Let Them Know Why You Picked Where You Want to Study

You have desired to study abroad, you go online to research study abroad tips, essays, and programs, and you finally arrive at one program. It is the one you will apply for. Why?

The ‘why’ question is critical. Your admission committee will want to know why you chose their program from the others. What is it about the program that drew you to them?

Write with so many emotions and enthusiasm. Let them feel how excited you are about them. What you are excited to see as well as do if your application gets accepted.

Before you begin, ensure you have researched and read about them. List places around them worthy of mention and exploration. Some exciting places you would love to see and find a way to link this with your program. Make them feel like you have read and dreamt about them all your life.

This is what all of these will do; humans naturally like to be made to feel good about themselves. They like when a person shows so much interest in them. This is how you get them. Also, this will make them know you have put in so much effort and as well as know the reason you are coming to study abroad.

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Explain Why You are Qualified for the Admission

You have stayed on this article down to this part of it. You have read a few others on studying abroad, and you are so enthusiastic about beginning your application and submitting it because you know you are qualified.

How? What makes you think you are qualified?

Are you getting into college or graduating? Whichever one it is, it is essential you know that your experiences matter. They are gold. From your academic accomplishments, your work and volunteering experiences, your skills, the ones you know you might find helpful while you are abroad. One such skill would be knowledge of a second language. Whatever it is, mention them. Every experience. Every detail.

Here, small doesn’t do it. Being moderate with your experiences doesn’t do it too. Your university knows you are coming to learn and take so much from them. But the minute they find that you have some you can offer to them, the better your chances of being accepted into their program.

Show Your Personality

Here, put some light on yourself and shine throughout this paragraph. It doesn’t matter how professional the study abroad essay should be. Put your personality in words and make your admission committee go through your experiences with you.

Have you ever had to travel to a new place and meet someone new? How did the friendship kick-off? How is it going? What were the reasons you traveled, and did this new friendship help make your plans work?

Relate your answer/story to your experiences when you were finally accepted and moved abroad to study. This will send a message that says you are ready and have everything figured out; your plans and expectations.

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Make Sure to Follow the Instructions

Before you begin to write your application to apply, ensure you have become familiar with the application instructions your chosen university has laid down.
Your university might ask some questions or instruct you to write your essay in a different format – which will be given to them.

Ensure you follow the link. However the case may be, this article will still help for any format your university instructs.

Proofread and edit

Never submit your essay without first going through it two or three times in revision and editing! After a second read-through, you might catch mistakes or complex lines; after your third read-through, you might get an inspiring new idea you want to include! To get a second set of eyes on your writing, it’s always a good idea to have someone else read your essay (or maybe even write it for you…).

Submit on time

Once you’ve cleaned up your essay, upload that application and click submit! But don’t forget to pay attention to all the application deadlines, and be sure to get all your relevant documents to the study abroad program on time! There’s no worse feeling in the world than having spent weeks perfecting an essay and application only to have missed the deadline. 


Study Abroad Essay Example 1

While investigating the chances that stood to me through examination abroad, I imagine them as an expansion of the objectives I’ve set locally here at Marquette. Similar to my time here at Marquette, I need to utilize my experience abroad as an opportunity to advance my life both inside and outside the homeroom. What I am anticipating the most is getting all the more balanced through both the submersion of this new culture and the academic instruction gave.

When I applied to Marquette, I had the express goal of hurling myself outside my usual range of familiarity. I used to a school where I knew nobody, most of the way the nation over from my home in Washington state. Since I drove myself to take that jump, I have had countless unfathomable encounters at Marquette that have permitted me to develop dramatically. This is another chance to get outside my usual range of familiarity and fill in new and energizing manners.

Another objective for my time abroad is to study my social foundation. My family is, to a great extent, from England, with my soonest progenitors coming over on the Mayflower. I invest wholeheartedly in knowing where I come from and understanding the underlying foundations of my genealogical record. While I love being American, I would like to investigate my familial history and embrace the two sides completely.

While I know the fundamentals of where my family is from, the data I think about the English culture comes from what I’ve found in writing and films. Before I can completely comprehend my set of experiences, I should accomplish more than research it, I should encounter it.


Studying abroad is a beautiful experience. One that will be a part of your life until the end of life. One that can change the course of your life forever.
If you have ever desired to study abroad and see the world at the same time, take your time to research and find better places with an excellent standard of education. Move, study, have fun, and make every moment count.

We hope our guide will help you get admission to your dream school and country. Best wishes!

FAQs On How to Write an Irresistible Study Abroad Essay

What should I include in my study abroad essay?

A study abroad essay should include your qualifications and experience, such as academic achievements, relevant coursework, and any relevant extracurricular activities. Additionally, you should explain why you want to study abroad and how it aligns with your long-term goals. It is also important to mention the specific program you are applying to and how it fits into your academic and career plans.

How should I structure my study abroad essay?

A study abroad essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of your qualifications and reasons for wanting to study abroad. The body should include specific examples and explanations to support your interest in studying abroad. The conclusion should summarize your main points and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

What is a study abroad essay?

A study abroad essay is a written document in which an applicant expresses their interest in studying abroad and outlines their qualifications and reasons for wanting to do so. The essay is usually a required part of the application process for study abroad programs.


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